Sunday 5 September 2021

Covid-19 Testing In Mandeville By J&J Medical Services

J & J Medical Services is located in Mandeville in Manchester and they are reaching out to assist persons especially in nearby parishes such a Trelawny and St. Elizabeth with their medical needs. They are located in Grove Court Plaza.

Covid-19 has changed how we do business and how we live our lives. Many have lost their lives due to Covid-19. Many persons are learning that if they are tested early and treated early, then this can make a major difference with how successful they are in fighting this virus. Rural folks must be happy that Covid-19 testing is being done in rural Jamaica for Covid-19.

We need to know our Covid-19 status prior to travelling overseas and this is why J & J Medical Services decided to facilitate you. The beauty about J & J Medical Services is that you can be tested in the comfort of your home. They offer testing for groups and also for workers at companies on site.

J & J Medical Services is managed by doctors who have had experiences in both the public and the private sector. The organization employs current proven and safe medical practices in the management of positive Covid-19 patients. I must say it is a beauty to enjoy the cool salubrious climate in Mandeville, perched on the hills of Manchester and at the same time get medical services of the highest standard.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Ooh great ♥️ this is a good move 😳♥️

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