Wednesday 1 September 2021

Covid-19 Vaccine Required For Immigrants To The United States

United States Embassy
In Kingston, Jamaica

Covid-19 Vaccine Required For Migration To The US

As of October 1, 2021, persons migrating to the United States of America will have to take the Covid-19 vaccine and must be fully immunized. This was revealed in an discussion with Vernon Derby this morning on radio. Vernon put it to Mr. Scott Feeken that it is possible that in the future, persons who apply to visitors visas might be required to take the Covid-19 vaccine in order to visit the United States of America. Mr. Feeken was not able to respond to that suggestion since that is not on the table at this time. Mr. Feeken is the Acting Deputy Chief of Mission at the United States Embassy in Kingston.

Processing Of  USA Visa Applications Delayed 

It was also mentioned that persons applying for visitors visas for the United States will have a long wait before these visas are granted. Some persons could find themselves waiting as long as up to 2023, especially considering that Covid-19 continues to create havoc across the world. Emergency visas will be granted in special cases.

The US Embassy official, advised persons who are citizens of the United States and are in Jamaica that they should register in the Smart Travel Programme so that the Embassy can keep in touch with their citizens who reside in this country. These persons should go to the web site and register in the Smart Traveler Enrolment Programme.

New Ambassador

The Embassy is now without an ambassador at this time, and the President's Office in the USA is now going through the process of selecting a candidate for approval who will be sent on tour of duty to Jamaica.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks very much Mr Derby. Please everyone let us do the right thing that our country can get back together please 🙏🙏

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