Thursday 23 September 2021

What's Happening - September 23, 2021

Tornado In Manchester, Jamaica

Tornado in Manchester

I got a report yesterday about a tornado in Cobbla, Manchester. I understand that residents were very alarmed at the sight of the tornado, because that is an unusual phenomenon for them in that area. Below you will see a video of this tornado.

Video Of Tornado

Note: If you have pictures of this tornado then email them to at

New Political Party In Trouble With The Law

Joseph Patterson 
(TVJ picture)
It was reported by a traditional media house that Joseph Patterson lead a demonstrations in downtown Kingston yesterday. He was demonstrating against the forced usage of Covid-19 vaccine. It should be noted that citizens have not so far been forced to take the vaccine.

The  United Independent Congress' (UIC) President, Joseph Patterson declared yesterday that he will be taking legal action against the police for what he believed was very aggressive and forceful handling of people who participated in a protest for which no permission was given. The state is contending that the march and gathering had breached the Disaster Risk Management Act.

Mr. Patterson says that he is calling on all members of parliament to resign😀 When I heard that I said to myself, was this going to be a new Pantomime for the first time in a long time at the Ward Theatre?

Click to view video of UIC President being taken away in her Majesty's limousine to her Majesty's Hotel.  

The Power Of Media

The media workers travel with their pens, notebooks, cameras recorders and other instruments of their trade. The police on the other hand have tear gas, big guns, but a war against the media is a war in futility. A war against the media is a war against the people. Yesterday, police officers went downtown to deal with an illegal gathering of the United Independent Congress but ended up in a confrontation with working media persons, If this was not a matter relating to freedom of the press, then a few members of the JCF have just participated in it's greatest comedy show featuring the JCF. I wonder if the Commissioner of Police is proud of these performers. His silence on the matter is deafening.

The Jamaica Constabulary Force has some intelligent  persons so one would have hoped that the intelligent ones would have engaged the members of the media and diffuse the situation. The media can and has helped in the fight against crime, so I was indeed flabbergasted to see members of the JCF roughing up media persons yesterday. The JCF members should be happy to know that media persons were there to capture quite accurately what was taking place. Is it possible that a few rogue cops wanted to be on camera the same way that the demonstrators wanted to be on camera.

Click to see video of media person being manhandled - TVJ

Things Are Not Copacetic With The PNP

There are three registered political parties in Jamaica now, but based on recent polls, the electorate is not giving an overwhelming support to any party.  The Don Anderson' poll shows that 57 % of those polled, is made up of those who do not know which party they will vote for and some who will not vote in the next election. This is a serious sign!

The PNP is not just divided into fractions but I wonder if there is any dominant group in the PNP  at this time. The polls are showing that the party is now doing worse under the current leader. The question is who next and what next?

Recently there was a voice mail being circulated on social media purportedly to be the voice of Karen Cross a member of the PNP. The voice mail indicated that there was going to be a demonstration at PNP headquarters and today there was one.  She is probably smarter than Patterson of the UIC, so she kept her numbers small so as not to come into conflict with the law.

The Voice Purportedly To Be Of Karen Cross

Neither Are Things Copacetic With The JLP

PM Andrew Holness
The JLP's reputation continues to be impacted negatively by talk of corruption.  While those who have been charged recently have not been convicted in a court of law for corruption, many Jamaicans are upset that they continue to draw down hefty salaries.

There is also news circulating via the peoples mouth to mouth network, that persons in high government positions are linked to the corruption. This added to the reports in the media of investigations being carried on by the Auditor General and the Integrity Commission have added more fuel to the developing fire.  This will continue to have a deadly impact on the legitimacy of the government and the government's ability to lead the people. Those leaders who the people have little or no trust in, should back their bags and go. If this is done, then the JLP will not only win the next election but it will have the confidence and trust of most of the people.


Unknown said...

The reason for the police action towards the media is that, there are times, too often, when they,(the media,) does not report things as they should. They are very biased in their reporting instead of being objective.

Vernon Lloyd Derby said...

Are you accusing the police of being vindictive?

Unknown said...

I believe that climate change is the cause of that tornado

Blakeandrew said...

I find the action of the president of the UIC to be interesting to say the least. A protest was led and the base point of the protest is pointless.

The Jamaican Government has not yet issue a statment of mandated injection for citizens to protect against the covid-19, nor has the Government stop residents from walking ro whatever location they want.

The president is clearly playing on the emotional state of a jamaica that is under the pressure of a virus that the countries all over are battleing.

His actions makes me think hard where is critical thinking, that our people should pocess. His actions does not display care and concern for those who followed him into down town kingston.

I would recommend to the leader, take a second and think of all that is happening in our nation, people are dieing all over, and do not allow selfish motives to continue driving him to endanger the lives of other.

Blakeandrew said...


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