Friday 3 September 2021

What's Happening - September 4, 2021

Germaine Raymond JCDC Staff Has Passed On

Germaine Raymond, a staff member of the Jamaica Cultural Development Commission (JCDC) who I have worked with when I was Chairman of the Festival Song Competition, has passed on. May her soul rest in peace. To her family, friends and the staff members of the JCDC, be strong.

Haughton's Pharmacy In Mandeville For Elders Day

Haughton's Pharmacy, the first business place to support the Elders Business Day (EBD), will welcome and  give senior citizens priority  treatment next Monday, September 6, from 0900 to 1200 EST.

Pharma Vaxx II

The Pharmaceutical Society of Jamaica has decided to put on another ZOOM forum to educate the public more about the Covid-19 pandemic. The last forum, Pharma Vaxx I was a major success with over 400 participants participating.

Participants found the forum very informative  and the major news houses reported extensively on the Forum.

The next Forum will be on September 13, starting at 1500 hours EST and will end at 1630 hours EST.

Persons Killed!

I received unconfirmed report that two persons were shot and killed on Browning Avenue in Kingston. I understand also that there has been another killing in Harbour View. This killing is said to have been committed by an ex-army person.

1 comment:

Just sis G said...

Sorry for the lost of. your friend.why they killing off one another is only God can tell.Make me afraid to come a my country.If is not the Virus is Gun shot.Its too much now all when the place lock down and it's no movement people still going around killing off people What wrong with us .Take care Mr Derby and I can't even say be safe again.for people don't even know what to do again.But try be Safe.

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