Friday 19 November 2021

Kirk Wright Journalist Stabbed - Went Into Surgery

Kirk Wright - Journalist

I just got information from colleagues of journalist Kirk Wright that he was stabbed multiple times and he had to undergo surgery.

I have been unable to get any further details at this time. Keep monitoring this blog for more information.


Unknown said...

Really sad jamaicans are suffering from voilence for too long

Unknown said...

What?!! Where and when?

Unknown said...

So sad t hear,may he get well soon, praying for his recovery

Unknown said...

God bless 🙏 you Mr; Derby, please keep up the good work

Unknown said...

Sorry to hear. One of my favourite investigative journalist. Hope he gets well soon. Praying for him.

Unknown said...

What the hell!

Just sis G said...

O my God what the He'll happen to our people something is wrong man.My prayers are with him the God healing hand will be on him.Thanks my bro be safe

Just sis G said...

That God healing hand will be on him

Unknown said...

Get well soon Kirk.

Micspen said...

The tyranny of a minority seems to knowS no bounds as we descend into the abyss unabated.Sad,Sad,Sad

Unknown said...

What the hell is going on what is wrong with these animals

Anonymous said...

I am shocked and saddened. May he recover quickly!

Blakeandrew said...

I pray he will be ok. My Gosh

Unknown said...

Why are we so angry as a people. We are unable to communicate and resolve our issues without resorting to violence. So sorry to hear about this. Wishing Kirk a full and speedy recovery.

Unknown said...

Oh my God....what could have caused that

Unknown said...

Domestic dispute! Nothing can be peacefully resolved? Praying he will be well soon.

Unknown said...

Praying for his full recovery.

Unknown said...

If no other crimes get solved in Jamaica I dont care, I want this one to be solved...this is an attack on our free press...this is crazy

Reggaetom said...

Just wishing him well. Speedy recovery

Kennygee said...

Hope Kirk have a speedy recovery

Unknown said...

So very sad! I pray for his speedy healing.

Unknown said...

Mr Derby you have lobbying for a reserve police intelligence unit in the JCF which falls on deaf ears,if such a unit the investigative journalism would come to MOU of certain aspects could reveal to them to be published by them ,I don't know the circumstances of Mr Kirk Wright attack ,I am saddened

Unknown said...

Very very sad. What is wrong with these animal?

Praying for him

Unknown said...

Really why people are so wicked what could he have more than trying to do his job I just hope he pulled through we just all have to keep him in our prayers.

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