Monday 15 November 2021

Nothing To Hide - Live Streaming From Halfway Tree!

Halfway Tree.
It is not the State of Emergency in various areas of Jamaica which is taking the nation by storm this morning, but the fact that the whole world can see what is happening in Halfway Tree.  Halfway Tree is live on the World Wide Web and we must say thanks to Tastee. The picture quality is very good. This is a day for decent and honest Jamaicans to celebrate. The pickpockets and those with criminal intent will think twice before going to halfway tree. You might even recognize one who had held you up in the past. Now we can see also the terrible driving of some of the taxi operators in Halfway Tree.

Already there are a few complaining about the breach of our rights to privacy. The most important right is the right to live in a safe environment.  We seem to love privacy so that the criminals can conduct their evil deeds in private. Where ever you have corruption and secrecy, crime thrives.

Halfway Tree is a public space and there is nothing private about Halfway Tree. There must be no privacy in public spaces for criminals to carry out their nasty deeds. I love the view. I can see Halfway Tree without going there. Criminals do not like the light nor do they like camera so they will disappear like cockroaches from these places. God Bless the technology, God bless those live camera feed and God bless Jamaica, because those criminals will think twice  before targeting persons in Halfway Tree. 

Add your hundreds of comments to this blog as we campaign to have more cameras across the island. Thanks.


Click Here and join the campaign. Get links to future  Bark Di Trute Blogs..

News Flash. Tastee says the police has asked them to take down the live feed. We expect it to be back up soon. The people love it.


Unknown said...

Lol, so for those of us who are pathologically mendacious about there where- about, " am down town",or "am at work", half way- tree can no more be the spot for such, huuummmm just thinking.

Unknown said...

Thank God for this we need a lot more over the place but little by little we are getting there

Unknown said...
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Vernon Lloyd Derby said...

You are a trouble maker LOL.

Unknown said...

This systems is needed in portmore at the intersection between passage fort drive Cumberland boulevard and Gregory park main road the mimi bus or yellow bus that is a free for all for thoes yellow bus they don't stop at that light period they just goes on the outside lane and overtake everything on a daily basis

Willo said...

Good move

Unknown said...

Yes, criminals have taken over the whole island in such a way that we need cameras into.every nook and cranny. I wish we had a technology that when a criminal goes near it screams

Unknown said...

We have to step up the pace it is getting terrible.

Unknown said...

What is the benefit of rights if we are not alive to enjoy them?
We need cameras in all public spaces.

Anonymous said...

Thank God

Megatony said...

It is distressing to hear those who are so hung on rights when the fabric of our society is crumbling around us.
Desperate times call a for desperate measures. Do we want to lock up behind high fences with our rights intact.
Or are we willing to give up some of them for a safer society. I have not heard the human rights ppl yet, hope them stay in them lane. Time we defend the rights of the victims for a change. The criminals have them and the high priced lawyers to protect their so called rights.

Nort Coast View said...

unfortunately the camera is no longer live streaming. Other countries have this option of seeing what's going on on their beaches and other areas. Jamaicans are paranoid about cameras.

Unknown said...

We waited a little bit too long but better late than never.
Let's hope that the criminal elements don't run with their wicked ways to other parishes.

Unknown said...

Yes thank you Jesus 🙌 love the look we need more camera all over the island and soe good move my PM.

Unknown said...

Every major town should have it

Unknown said...

Love this idea ro put camera in public spaces Vernon. I have cameras at home that covers all angles.

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