Thursday, 13 January 2022

Emancipation Park Needs To Be Emancipated!!!

Statue in Emancipation Park

I received a report that the bathrooms at the Emancipation Park in Kingston, Jamaica are in a deplorable state. Many of the toilets are not working and some toilets have a large cone over them. Based on reports it is clear that many persons have not been socialized into how to use a modern bathroom and they have therefore deposited some foreign objects in the toilets.  The bathrooms are messy and none of the coolers outside are working. 

Emancipation Park was a beautiful space located in the busy district of New Kingston with walk ways around the park, ornamental trees providing a cool resting spot to relax under, after walking a few laps around the park. There were also well kept  bathrooms where one could go and utilize the facilities to freshen up ones self before heading home.

It seems that Emancipation Park, just like St. William Grant Park, Mandela Park, Tom RedCam Avenue and others are fast deteriorating to the point of  reflecting the general state of indiscipline in the country. Jamaica is indeed a beautiful country but by the time this generation is finished with it, Satan and his angels will be very pleased with the transformation.

I am told that many persons now have to find a little corner to relieve themselves at the park.  One of my On The Ground reporters told me  that she had to clean up the bathroom herself before using it. She noticed that the person who cleans the place, simple left the soap water all over the place. In the past, students and other persons could go to the park  and use the WIFI, but now the WIFI no longer works.

My understanding is that the National Housing Trust is responsible for maintaining the park. Years ago the Emancipation Park was like an oasis in the heart of New Kingston. One could go there, have a walk, chat with a few friends, play table tennis, take some picture before heading home after the heavy traffic was off the roads.  When that park was established and the way it was maintained, it was a clear reflection of the type of management that lead the NHT then. How things have changed. Even the statues no longer reflect the sexy appeal of the park. We should probably transform it into a cow pen and rename it Emancipation Cow Pen!

Eternal Father Bless our Land

Guard us with thy Mighty Hand.

Non-functioning water fountain.

Messy counter top!!!

The floor looks like a 
storm has just passed through.




  1. that bathroom.used to be kept so clean .is this acreflectionnkfvwhsts happening in Jamaica generally?

  2. This is not unique to Jamaica, but in other countries they know how to solves the problem.
    Across the globe, public lavatories employ an attendant who spends his entire shift in the men's room. He quietly cleans the stalls after every use. Bins are emptied into garbage bags that are tied and put away. The attendant often sells an assortment of cologns, condoms, or scented wipes. He keeps the place spotless. This attracts handsome tips. It is honest work and a cap and mask can hide you from schoolmates.

    1. Why would one want to hide when one is not stealing? I wonder it is more honourable to steal than to work in a bathroom? Probably that is why stealing and corruption is far more attractive then working?

  3. Sadly this is one more example of the rapid slide into corruption, laziness and social decay that Jamaica is experiencing.if our young men are sagging and exposing , bleaching and robbing , why do we expect them. ( Males/ females) to care. We have become a Chaka Chaka country

  4. During Covid??? It should be cleaned as soon as someone walks in. No wonder Covid still spreading!

  5. This is sad. We can do better than this nastiness we have caused at Emancepation Park. This nastiness has been taking place along the road to St. Thomas for years too. All sorts of food boxes and debris thrown from vehicles. We need to do things as sensible, mature adults should do and keep our environment clean at all times.

    1. I would love to have some pictures of the area.

  6. The place lacks management. It is clear the workers are not doing their jobs and no one is being held accountable. Come on NHT. We can do so much better. Let's continue to keep this place beautiful

  7. I use to admire this park. Security was always presen to ensure that no one destroyed the property. It seems that the park was "locked down" during the covid-19 pandemic. Maybe this closure caused the deterioration

  8. Emancipation of the bathrooms all boils down to maintainance,maintainance,
    maintainance,supervision and accountability.Is NHT falling down on their responsibilities??

  9. Shouldn't be as security persons are exempt from lockdowns and fencing is intact.Where would the breaches come from outside or inside.More like outside as it is unlikely be the said security personnell.

  10. Can't believe they mash up nice, clean, good, good Emancipation park facilities, that place used to be well kept,and there was always an aid making sure the bathroom was kept clean, the securities were always patrolling, so what happened?! I haven't been there in years.


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