Monday 10 January 2022

Judgement Is Here? Another Covid-19 Wave!!!

You might have seen this POST which I sent out in December 2021, with the warning about the Covid-19 spike expected for January 2022. 

It is sad to say that some of my friends have not decided to take the vaccine but at least they are following strict Covid-19 protocols. Other friends have taken the vaccine and the vaccine has saved their lives. There is another significant amount of my friends who feel that this Covid-19 thing is a plan by some countries to control the world.

The big wave is here! The feedback that I am getting is that we had many love affair Covid-19 parties for Christmas last year and also for the New years.  We also had the situation of stupid leaders giving the go ahead for the Maroons celebrations in January. I understand that not even the local police were aware that permission was given. This was a major state blunder and it is clear that no one will pay for this blunder. This impasse between the maroons and the government of Jamaica, could morph  into a little war between the government and some of it's citizens. Covid-19 could be the winner of this war. 

My friend sent his three children out to school this week and Covid-19 has sent them home. Their parents now have to remain at home because home is now a hospital.  Grandpa is now close to 80 I believe, and with Covid-19 swirling around in the family he could be moving closer to........

Money is important, education is important, wealth is important but it is your health which will determine whether or not you have any of these. Covid-19 seems to be the deciding factor these days of our health. We could be just seeing the tip of the iceberg and Covid-19 is just waiting to show us who run things. Many were expecting judgement in the form of fire and brimstone but this Covid-19 is indeed Judgement. Judgement is at hand. Heed the word of the doctors. All the conspiracy theorist you must repent and heed the call because our end could be nigh.

Those who have ears to hear let them hear. Persons are not wearing masks in the offices, nor in public places. We seem to think that because we are Jamaicans wi badder dan Covid-19. Trouble lies ahead. If your child is back at school and with the low take up of the vaccine, I expect more Covid-19 deaths to stalk this land!

Be ye careful Jamaica, judgement is indeed at hand.



Althea Hewitt said...

Same so Vernie. All who have ears let them hear.

Jacqui said...

They are playing Russian roulette with covid. He who has ears to hear let him hear

Micspen said...

The reality is from now hereon who live live and who dead dead until that survival balance of herd tolerance is accomplished.You can't force people in a democracy to do what they do not want to do so hopefully experience will teach some wisdom to act appropriately.Masking and or vaccination seems to be the saviour and particularly masks will be like part of regular clothing and outfit going forward for a long time.

Keith said...

If we will not hear then we will feel. So much has been done to vaccinate Jamaicans, yet those who are so easily lead and who are not scientists are making false decisions on vaccine for their friends, families and more than 60% of Jamaican Citizens! This is madness and will cause severe Covid problems for Jamaica this year (2022).

Unknown said...

Please have mercy up on us Jesus

Just sis G said...

Who won't hear will feel.But we have continue to pray for God's wisdom and that people will understand that's is not about u it's our neighbors too Care for each other and show the Love .

Unknown said...

Lord Jesus mighty God help us 🙆🙆🙏🙏🙏👍

Unknown said...

Really don't know what else the PM can do. When they go to hospital, those who are not vaccinated should be sent home to care for themselves. So me see it.

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