Wednesday 16 March 2022

News Breaking in Hanover!

I just got a message after 0900 EST, stating that seven persons were shot in Logwood, Green Island in Hanover. It is said that three persons have died. The police have not released an official report as yet so the details cannot be confirmed at this time. Continue to monitor this blog for further details.

While creating this post, I got the pictures of the persons who have been killed. These pictures are not for the faint hearted to see. The sight of those killed would create havoc for a crocodile's stomach. It is a gruesome and bloody site to see the sons of our country sprawled lifelessly on the ground. 

The killers continue to drive fear into the hearts of the people - fear which make us afraid to ensure that these heartless murderers face the death penalty.

The questions we continue to ask is, when this will end?



One bedroom apartment needed to rent in the Mona area or close to Halfway Tree. If  you have somewhere to rent, then send me a WhatsApp message to (876) 816-5261


Unknown said...

When they catch these murderers I believe they should hang them get rid of them because lacking them up and few months they are back on the streets again to kill someone else

Unknown said...

These are the same killers lawyers are backing that the sentences should be left up to judges, the lawyers are contributing to these crimes

Just sis G said...

O my God what is happening in our country .I think the. government should bring back hanging .Locking them up and then after few years they are back on the street.dont make sense for they going to kill again for they have these lawyers who help to let them go free.Pray to God they catch them.My prayers are with the families as they mourned the lost of their love ones ..

Empress Leona said...

The solutions are right at our fingertips. In order to quell the issue of spiralling crime rate all three systems have to work in sync.

So the proper legislation has to be in place. What laws do we need to pass? We'll it depends on our peculiar situation. What are the problems we are facing? We need deterrents in the form of punishment. The key is to ensure the punishment fits the crime. Not 2 years for murder, but at least 15 years depending on the details of the crime.

Secondly there is the judicial system. This arm of crime fighting is from where our major problem flows. Murder cases and other cases in general are taking years to be tried, when in any efficient country it would take mere weeks. Trial dates are ages apart. I do not believe persons who commit serious crimes should get bail. Yes UN charter 9f rights disagrees but it is not smart to do so as it allows time and space for these individuals to engage in other crimes.

Last but not least, we have the law enforcement arm of crime fighting. They assist the judicial and legislative arms.

The plea bargaining is also a symbol of corruption and should not be offered in many cases, especially when dealing with serious crimes. They claim it is to encourage those caught by the hook to give up information that could see others being prosecuted. How it is being used, we are seeing people we don't want on our streets getting off with a slap on the wrist. That makes absolutely no sense. This needs to be revisited.

If all three do not work cohesively, our crime rate will only continue to spike. We can talk all we want to, march and protest if we wish, but nothing will happen unless these are remedied.

Anonymous said...

I'm afraid of even walking on the streets now

Willo said...

The governments of Jamaica have been consistentky failing the people.
- Zero tolerance
- Punishment fits the crime
We don't need to restate the solutions. We need real ACTION not periodic baby steps

Unknown said...

First I'm hearing of murders in Hanover so I was thinking that it's the most peaceful parish on the island. Very sad to see what happens though. Jamaica wants dictatorship. That's the only solution. But if we should go that route we would be up against something else. Every weh we tun macka juk we

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