Tuesday 22 March 2022

Strong Sulphur Dioxide Like Smell - Areas off Washington Boulevard in Kingston, Jamaica

I am getting calls from  residents living off the Washington Boulevard  that there is a strong smell permeating the air in that area. Persons are now staying indoors.

This matter needs to be investigated immediately by the health authorities and the police.

Note: Please share this post. It might be wise to avoid this area at this time. I expect to get an update from the police shortly.

If you are in that area please send me a WhatsApp message to (876) 816-5261 if you are having a similar experience. You can send pictures if you see anything unusual in that area.

Update 1831 EST:

Someone called to say that they are having this strange smell in Meadowbrook also.


Unknown said...

Only hope is nothing to get anybody sick

Donna said...

Mr Vernon look at this problem now who the people them call you and you dont work with the health authorities hope you can see how important you.are to us we can call you and you.try to help hope thing will sort out before anyone get sick

Vernon Lloyd Derby said...

Yu mek mi feel like mi rich :) Thanks.

Vernon Lloyd Derby said...

I just got a call indicating to me that there could be a problem at the Riverton City dump. I expect to hear from Mr. Audley Gordon in a few minutes after he checks to see if there is a challenge there. Mr. Gordon is the Head of the NSWMA

Vernon Lloyd Derby said...

NSWMA has reported that they have found nothing at the Riverton City Dump which is creating this smell. NEPA has been advised.

Vernon Lloyd Derby said...

I understand that the smell was emanating from a resident's home.

Donna said...

Yu a the best yes yu rich.because yu bark the truth keep up the good work sir

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