Monday 25 April 2022

Molly Worse Than Covid-19 - There is no Vaccine!

Is Skillybeng the new Prime Minister for the youth???

The Subculture Holding us Back

There is subculture which given time will become the culture of this country which I believe will negate any move to transform this country into a developed country. I was shocked when a friend called me to tell me about molly which is spreading like wild fire. I understand that this is the drug ecstasy in powdered form!

The question is, what is the roll of our political leaders, the church, professional organizations, the homes and other agencies in turning back this culture which has no place in a young developing country. The sad thing is this culture is being infiltrated throughout the country through the music. Our young people have become the easy baits.

Subculture Grounded in Crime, Sex, Drugs and......

If this subculture is not studied with the aim of dealing it a deadly blow, then the future of our country is looking grim. This subculture is grounded in music, alcohol, sex and crime.  To give you an idea as to what is happening on the musical scene, you must WATCH  this video performed by Skillybeng  and let me know what you think. This video is mild  in comparison to others on the market. This video has had over 6 million views. Your little five year old could be watching this now.

Thanks to Those Who Continue to Keep in Touch

I must say thanks to many of my listeners who continue to keep in touch. This morning I heard from Michael Spence who told me about this drug mollyIf you have more information about the matter and other matters discussed in this blog, please add your comments to this blog. You can also email me at

Other Readings:



Unknown said...

Ave just take a look at the video, its almost unbelieveable that any society could tolerate these low, destructive debase music which is constantly feeding our youths,and we wonder why crime and voilence so high in our country?,this calls for Leadership, this cultural epidemic cannot be change by parents when 5he society is spewing out this garbage, if one try to bring up their children correct when they leave home for school or even out in public this degrading lifstyle is all up in their face " we sow to the wind we are now reaping the world wind", smh.

Chayil said...

UNBELIEVABLE!!! Yet sadly....... not surprised.
This has got to be the most sickening video glorifying crime, describing, how they kill people and what they do with the dead bodies??? Am I hearing right my people?? May God help us!

Unknown said...

Honestly I dont want to listen because I will only be adding to the viewership...I try my best not to partake in viewing stuff like that because it only contributes to them becoming famous. Good things dont get airplay even said artist stated same in an interview. He claimed that the clean uplifting songs that he did didn't get the traction like the "badones"

Nzingha said...

I cant belive my eyes.. Over 6m views and there is another one that has gotten over 16M views. What is going on with my country?<

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Where is our leadership?

Anonymous said...

My Lord, have mercy. But for the Grace of God. I am fearful for the future of our children and youth. Let us pray, cause only God can deliver us from these messy situations. 2 Chronicles 7:14 (KJV) says "If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land." Let us who are God fearing people P.U.S.H. - Pray Until something happens. Something good. God is able to deliver us, our children and our youths.

Anonymous said...

"If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land". 2 Chronicles 7:14 (KJV)

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