Thursday 21 April 2022

No Official Copy of Jamaican's National Anthem Online - No Jamaican Flag?


Missing National Anthem

I have just learnt a shocking bit of information - in this the 60th year of our independence, when we will have big independence celebrations, there is no official digital copy of the Jamaican National Anthem music online which our people can download. 

I am hoping that I am wrong. Please check and find out for me if there is a government website, where I can download an official copy of the Jamaican National Anthem.

If you cannot find any, then I must ask that before we continue with the celebrations let us put up a copy now online.

Some years ago when Princess Ann visited Jamaica to attend a function, when we were about to start the function, no one could find an official copy of the National Anthem music. A gentleman was asked to play it on the piano for the audience to sing. At the end of his playing, we were still waiting to hear him start to play the National Anthem.

Our Missing National Flag

Did you also know that it is almost impossible to find the Jamaican flag in Jamaica. You will find flags with a design similar to that of the Jamaican flag but not with the green, black and gold. You will find it easier to find flags which are black, green and yellow but not black, green and gold.

Missing Civics?

Finally, they use to teach civics in schools, and one could sit civics in the Jamaica School Certificate examinations. What are they now teaching in our schools to inculcate a sense of national pride in our young people? Which subject are they now  teaching in schools to our young people for them to understand their role in becoming responsible citizens? Which subject are they teaching in schools, which will teach  our youg young people what it means to be a good Jamaican?

Why are We Celebrating our 60th Independence Anniversary

The 60th celebrations of  our independence could well become just another occasion for some of us to eat a food while some of us are starving. If we cannot even find our National Anthem music online, our Flag cannot be found on the market nor are we doing enough to teach our people national pride, dignity and love of country,  then what are we celebrating?



Willo said...

I trust these "oversights" will addressed.
Unfortunately, Black, Green and Yellow seems to the new color of our flag.

Unknown said...

I was very embarrassed when I saw two athletes at CARIFTA donning two flags, one black, green and gold the other black, green and yellow. Mi had to ask for mercy!

Marvelous Marven said...

Hope I remember to check, but Black green and yellow bad and not so bad, but there's black green and neon is very popular, and we accept anything as a people,I refuse to buy them,but everything starts and ends with the leaders, because they see these things and turn a blind eye.

Unknown said...

It depends on where they purchase these flags.

TShep said...

This is the closest I've found.

Unknown said...

I notice that the Flag is not lower at 6pm anymore, when i was growing up I use to see the police or the solder or even the cadet lowering the Flag and then they fold and put it away for the next day. Now the Flag is up for months looking very time changes..

Vernon Lloyd Derby said...

I am almost certain that I heard the choir say, 'Evi powers' and not 'evil powers'.

Horace Duncan said...

While I haven't made my own check, it's so disheartening to hear. I would also assume that the National Pledge, " Before God and all mankind..." and the National Song, " I pledge my heart forever..." aren't there either.

Really sad state of affairs 😢

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