Thursday 21 April 2022

Are These Potholes/Sink Holes Being Used to Get Motor Vehicles off the Roads?

We need to fix the pot holes before they become sink holes and they end up almost writing off our vehicles and posing a danger for those who are visually impaired. The following report and picture was sent to be by a supporter:


Good afternoon Mr. Darby, please see a disturbing manhole on Half Way Tree Road beside Island Grill and Digicel with sewage overflowing. Over 5 vehicles had to be assisted out of the hole. Really a traffic hazard. Kindly use your services to highlight. Thank you.


NWA, please have this one fixed as soon as possible. Mr. Hunter we would really appreciate it. 



Unknown said...

The only road that stay good in Jamaica is the Toll road

Unknown said...

And that is because the Jamaicas have nothing to do with its maintenance

Unknown said...

Maybe we need to get the Chinese to maintain our roads islandwide just like the toll roads

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