I just got a video from someone, and the sender claims that it is a video taken before a civilian was killed by soldiers. Jamaica is going through a difficult time as crime continues to plague the nation and murders continue to increase. Soldiers are being used to assist the police in fighting crime.
The challenge is many citizens have no fear in taking the fight to the police. It is even more shocking that citizens are now taking the fight to the soldiers who are trained to kill. Please appeal to your friends and relatives and those living in those volatile crime areas not to take on the members of the security forces. It is a risk not worth taking.
Citizens need to cooporate with the security forces and if they feel they are not being treated properly then they should use their phones to record abuses. Under no condition should citizens attempt to take the fight to the members of the security forces.
I am convinced by reports coming from citizens in the volatile areas. They protect offenders.