Thursday 12 May 2022

Barbara Gloudon Popular Talk Show Host has Died

Hon. Barbara Gloudon OJ

I just got information from persons who were close to The Honourable Barbara Gloudon OJ that she has died.

She was a popular Talk Show Host on RJR and she worked at the Gleaner Company for many years. She was head of the Little Theatre Movement and was also responsible for writing the scripts for a few National Pantomimes.

Please add your comments to this blog which I will share with the family.


Anonymous said...

My Condolences

Anonymous said...

Condolences to her family, one of jamaican most distinguish woman, well respected, a tragic loss for our nation.

Anonymous said...

Condolences to the family and the RJR family. She will be missed.

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear condolence to her family

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Condolence to the family... job well done

Anonymous said...

Condolence to thefamily .She has done so much to broadcasting and was admired by all.

Anonymous said...

Condolences to her family. So instead of planning one funeral will be two. Bwoy that's double mourning. Ahh sah.

Anonymous said...

Condolences to her family.

Anonymous said...

Condolences to her family and friends.

Anonymous said...

May God rest her beloved soul and comfort her grieving family and all who loved her. She was a role model and an icon to me and many colleagues that worked under her on the Gleaner and Star. Her brilliance, her poise, her generosity stand out in my memory. I will never forget the time she was interviewed by the British journalist David Frost and he tried to treat her in a condescending way. She eviscerated him ever so gently with her words and as he became more and more flustered she patted him on his knee and told him, “ It’s OK David.” I don’t believe he would ever try to talk down to another woman after that. I love her so much. Rest In Peace beloved Mrs G.

Anonymous said...

I use to love listening to her on RJR RIP

Anonymous said...

Ms G. No words.....😭😭😢😢

Empress Leona said...

My condolences 🙏🏾. As many exit this earthly realm, those who shared life with them are left with the memories to fill the vacuum left behind. While memories are not by any means a substitute,
they are the only things allowed to remain alive. Her work will live on. May her soul sweetly rest.

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