Saturday 28 May 2022

Government Medical Staff Refused To Administer Covid-19 Vaccine To Citizen

Min. Christopher Tufton

On Friday, May 20, 2022, I went to that beautiful pharmacy, Fontana, which is located on Waterloo Road in Kingston, to get my booster Covid-19 vaccine shot.  I went before to get the vaccine and representative from the Ministry of Health and Wellness, informed me that they had no vaccine. This time on sitting down to register to take the vaccine, the Ministry of Health and Wellness person informed me that she has no booster cards. I said to her that they need to organize themselves properly. I just wondered why would they send out staff members with Covid-19 vaccine and not sufficient cards This seems ridiculous to me, and I wondered what type of Ministry, Minister Tufton is running. Other persons who came to have their vaccine administrated left without being vaccinated.

I was told that a man had gone to get the cards. I waited  for over an hour when I saw a man with something which looked like a lunch  box in his hand approaching the desk where the Ministry official sat..

While seated in front of this woman who appeared to a Ministry of Health receptionist, another woman came over and started to speak to her. I indicated to the lady that I was being dealt with and she just interrupted without saying good afternoon or even saying excuse me please. This annoyed the receptionist who was attending to me. She proceeded to tell me that the lady who came to speak to her is the nurse. I told her it does not matter I told her that the woman should display common courtesy. I asked the receptionist what was her name, because she did not have on a name tag for me to identify her. She refused to give me her  name so I took out my phone camera and took a picture of her. This infuriated the young woman more. She got up from the desk and went in a room nearby.

She returned to her working area and told me that the person who was in change of the programme told her not to allow me to get the vaccination and I should go somewhere else.. I told her very firmly that she nor a doctor nor a nurse, has no right to refuse to give me the vaccine. She went back inside and I continued to remain seated at the desk.

A few minutes later, a burly man emerged and accused me of shouting at a woman, He went on to talk about men and how they related to women. I took all of this to mean that he was being smart and was probably trying to upset me by implying that I have unusual sexual tastes.

He ordered me to leave the pharmacy and I told him that he would have to get the security to take me out. He came up very close to me and was literally in my face. He informed me that he was the head of security at Fontana Pharmacy. I could not believe my ears. I was further abused in front of all customers in the business place.

Since then I have reported the matter to the Minister of Health  and Wellness and his State Minister Juliet Cuthbert. I have also reported the matter to the Chairman of Fontana Pharmacy, Mr. Obrien Chang.

The State Minister in the Ministry of Health subsequently sent me pamphlets and she indicated that I could be vaccinated at other places. On Sunday, May 22,  I arrived at the Sunrise Clinic off Red Hills ROad at 2:50 pm, only to be advised that the the clinic was closed. I told the persons manning the entrance to the clinic that the poster sent to me indicated that the clinic would be closed at 3:00 pm. The persons simply replied that they close at 2:45. It seems to me that the Ministry set a closing time and those who operated the clinic set their own closing time. What a life what a country.

Now you know why we sometimes have confrontations at our clinics and our hospitals. I love our nurses, doctors and all those who serve in the government  sector but they need for training in how to give good customer service must be a priority now!

Wi no ready!

Kevin O'Brien Chang - Fontana Chairman

Note: The Chairman of Fontana, Kevin O'Brien Chang says he wants to meet with me to discuss this matter. Now, that is a man of class and he obviously wants to run a business where persons are treated with class.

You think that Minister Tufton  will have this matter investigated and I will hear back from him soon.

Many the good Lord Help those who cannot stand up for themselves!


Anonymous said...

Then they accuse people of not taking the vaccine. Who want you go through all of that to get a shot.

Anonymous said...

It is really crazy in Jamaica the lady wants to be vaccinated and she cannot get through.

Anonymous said...

That's why I took my vaccine in Florida.
There are many like me and we are not recorded in the Jamaican system so we are not counted.

Anonymous said...

This was an unfortunate incident. The customer services was abominable to say the least. In response to a comment above we have to be careful about generalising from one or a few incidents about the whole system. I have had my two shots and booster at St Joseph's and Windsor Wellness. I experienced great service that all three. My colleagues at 2 workplaces and my neighbours have been vaccinated and boosted at various locations, all without incident, as have been other friends and associates. I know some places close off around 15 mins to half hour before closing to ensure not going too far over time, though.

Could it have been peculiar to tat location? As far as I know Fontana doesn't do boosters.

Vernon Lloyd Derby said...

I do get a number of complaints about the quality of service across this country. One case of poor service is one case too much. One bad act can cause a person's life in the health sector. We have had quite a few reports of poor service in the health sector over the past year.

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