Monday 9 May 2022

What's Happening - Riddim FM With Vernon Derby

Bishop Dr. Neville Owens

My second guest on Be My Guest which is aired during my programme SpotOn on Mondays will be Founder/Senior Pastor for Love & Faith World Outreach Ministries, Bishop Dr. Neville Owens JP. He is a  marriage officer and a Justice of the Peace.

The Love and Faith World Outreach Ministries embraces a multifaceted vision that includes ministry to men, women, youth and children, the development of all areas of arts for Kingdom Ministry and the establishment of community outreach projects.

Bishop Owens is the immediate past President of the Jamaica Umbrella Group of Churches and the President of the Independent Churches of Jamaica.

Bishop Owens will also do Midday Meditation during SpotOn on Riddim FM today.

Join me tomorrow as I celebrate another week at Riddim FM doing the SpotOn Talk show which can be heard on the FM band at 102.1, 102.3, 102.5, 102.7 and 102.9.

Garbage On The Sidewalk Near  to FLOW

Garbage seen on road side

There a significant amount of garbage on the roadside at FLOW's head office on Halfway Tree Road in Kingston. A man who seem to be of unsound mind has made that location his place of a abode.. My on the ground reporter says that a significant amount of persons get on the bus at that location. The reporter was not impressed with the work of the JLP government in keeping the country clean. She compared Jamaica to places like Atlanta for example which is very clean.. She is calling on the media to play its part in identifying these locations where there is garbage.

Hopeton O'Conor-Dennie SpotOn,  On The Ground Reporter Daughter Recognized

There is a focus on Agriculture. Minister Pearnell Charles Jr said, at the function where he said, that some 20 percent of resources are to be allocated to women and youths in agriculture. The Agriculturalist Newspaper has chosen (9) nine women who in their research have made significant contribution to Agriculture. 

The awardees came from areas such as farming, goat raring, vetinary services, chicken production, yam  production bees raring for the production of honey, and for administration.

Dr. Tanika O'Connor-Dennie was selected for her contribution as an  animal Nutritionist.  These women were labelled as having made an outstanding contribution to Agriculture. 

Dr. Tanika happens to be the youngest and she work for a leading chicken production company as the Material Manager and Nutritionist.  She was educated both locally and overseas.

Left to right: Lisa, Willa, Dr. Tanika awardee in black, Marsha, Dinah, Hopeton, Front row: Eliana & Azania. Grand children.

Vivian Crawford

Vernon Derby continues to use his creativity at his new home at Riddim FM to have a positive impact on the society. At midday on his programme SpotOn the National Anthem is played and that is followed by midday devotions. Later on a feature called 'Yu Shoulda Know Dat' is played featuring facts which are not known by many persons. Vivian Crawford the head of the Institute of Jamaica recorded  the first week of these features.

Talk Yu Talk

Mr. Ken Grant a business man from Trelawny will be on SpotOn on Riddim FM today May 9, talking about the crime situation in Trelawny.

Dangerous JPS Post 

The following message was received from an on the ground reporter:

Mr. Vernon gud morning, this is a Dangerous situation and JPS must have it rectified it has high tension wires. This Post is along Cumberland main Road in the vicinity of Cumberland Road.


Anonymous said...

Good morning sir. Continue doing the work for the nation.

Marvelous Marven said...

Mr Derby your Spot On ,you have more time to cover more grounds , the anthem at 12;00 is really refreshing, hope the phone lines are much better this week

Anonymous said...

It seems that the respective governments & parish councils believe that the citizens of Jamaica should live in garbage; very few of them make real effort to maintain a clean environment. Constant vigilance & actions are needed to break this poor practice of littering and dumping garbage on the road sides and on empty lots. For sure some of us are just nasty but we are getting away with it.

Anonymous said...

We need to push those who litter the streets it's very bad

Anonymous said...

Same old 😴 Same old 😴

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