Sunday 16 October 2022

Another Policeman Killed!


Constable  Brian Martin

The following is a statement from the Police Federation: 

The Central Committee of the Police Federation anounces with deepest regrets the brutal slaying of # 22602 Constable Brian Martin of the St Andrew Central Division.

He was killed while attending a wake in  Frog City, in the St Andrew South Police Area.

Our sincere condolences to his family, colleagues and friends. 

Sleep in Eternal Peace.

A formal message will follow.


Anonymous said...

That’s sad my condolence to the family

Anonymous said...

Condolences to his kin and I can only hope he died in Christ!

Anonymous said...

This is very sad when u loose a policeman RIP

Micspen said...

Was he on police duties in Frog City.
By the way where the hell is such a city in Jamaica.
When one becomes a police some hellish places you don't go without back up.Otherwise "tan a yuh yaad" or station.
My sincere condolences to this apparently young policeman, his family, friends and decent law abiding Jamaicans.

Anonymous said...

What are the circumstances leading to his death does anyone know.If so enlighten us ,cause you know "Tek sleep mark death".

Anonymous said...

Jamaican lawlessness.

Anonymous said...

Very serious and meaningful actions are needed against the terrorists were are breeding. The actions taken recently were jokes.
May his soul rest in piece.

Anonymous said...

Martin was attached to the Half Way Tree station, was killed while he attended a a Frog City Wake located in the Denham Town police division.He received gunshot wounds to his face,upper body or head was apparent.

Anonymous said...

I concur with my fellow citizens in expressing deepest & sincerest condolences to his family, friends & co-workers.

May his Soul Rest In Peace.

I would also like to express sincere Thanks to all our essential services workers!
We appreciate your service.
God Bless & Keep You All.

Micspen said...

Are you surprised when most Jamaicans are alleged criminals in this Criminals' Paradise and when convicted ends up brawling in PRISHOTELS where many CEOs operate their criminal enterprises from under the full security of the Jamaican State courtesy of the hapless tax payers.
CEOs are Criminal Executive Officers/Criminal Enterprise Operators who manage the illigitimate sectors of the Crime Industry.

Anonymous said...

Are any of these CEOs members of the PSOJ?

Margaret said...

So sorry to lose another young policeman. Condolences to his family and friends.
Rest in peace my dear. ❤😭

Chayil said...

Heartfelt condolence to Constable Martin's family, colleagues, friends. Can just imagine the pain and sorrow . Aye sah. Tired of the killing. If we keep killing off Policemen and each other what will become of us?
May God have mercy on Jamaica land we love.

Anonymous said...

My heartfelt condolences to the family, his colleagues and friends.

Anonymous said...

The name frog city alone makes me afraid . I don’t no where and I don’t want to know where Rip young police Martin

Everett Green said...

What rubbish, becoming a policeman does not make you a prisoner of society. Check the data the percentage of police who die each year is far less than the number of civilian who are murdered every year, so if anyone fe tan a dem Yaad a wi de civilians cause obviously we are the target not the police.

Everett Green said...

Micspen it seem you are bitter about something so I withdraw my earlier response to you previous statement. Go ahead and vent, let it all out and I hope in short order you will overcome whatever it is.

Anonymous said...

The sad thing is that these kinds of brazen attacks on our citizens will continue. Not until the criminals fear the consequences of their actions, will they continue. Jamaica urgently needs the death penalty to be reinstalled. For those “Human Rights” advocates, they need to stop being hypocritical by sheltering them.

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