Saturday 29 October 2022

Four Jamaicans Get Violet Edwards Scholarship Award Tenable at the UWI

Violet Edwards

The winners of the Violet Edwards Scholarship which will be tenable at the University of the West Indies have been selected. These scholarships were given by members of the diaspora in honour of a distinguished Jamaican woman who achieved her associate degree at the age of 96 while battling cancer. The scholarship value is just over JAD2.4 million.

Former radio talk show host Joan Williams brought the historic news to me about this Jamaican who was living in the United States. It was a woman who made the sacrifice to send her daughter to college - Christine Edwards, M.D., F.A.C.O.G., Medical Director, Florida Perinatal Center, LLC, Dr. 

I made contact with her son-in-law Everett Smith and we developed a great friendship. He started listening to my radio show SpotOn on Riddim FM and fell in love with it. He saw where we could work together to ensure that this scholarship initiative was a success. He eventually asked me to be the local coordinator for the Violet Edwards Scholarships.

To cut a long story short, after promoting the scholarship and getting a number of applications, we now have four persons who have been successful in getting the scholarships.  They are Ezrin Morris, Shamari McPherson, Stephan Bennett, and Tonisia Reid.

A presentation ceremony will be announced in the near future.

Ezrin Morris

Ezrin attended Charlemont High School in St. Catherine where she was a prefect. She loves singing, researching areas of interest and spending time with her family.

Shamari McPherson

Shamari attended Wolmers for Girls and she likes journaling, researching technological advances, and Japanese and Chinese culture.

Stephan Bennett

Stephan Bennett loves reading, hiking and listening to music. He has been part of the 4H club, the Key Club and the tourism club.

Tonisia Reid

Tonisia is from Grange Hill in Westmoreland, attended Frome High School and she wants to be a pharmacologist. She has held many leadership positions in school and was the deputy head girl at Frome High School.

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Anonymous said...

Good news Mr Derby wish them all the best.

Anonymous said...

Great, good effort, well done, keep up the good work. God bless

Anonymous said...

Great news. All the best to the recipients

Anonymous said...

Great Story...Congratulations to the 4 recipients of the scholarships.

Patrick Palmer said...

Great story....Congratulations to the 4 recipients of the scholarships.

Anonymous said...

Great news especially as it’s been reported that scholarships are not being applied for in JA.

Anthony said...

Awesome stuff. Really good when our people get opportunities like this.

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