Friday 7 October 2022

JTA Negotiations With Government Not Over As Yet!

The following is a statement from the Jamaica Techers Association (JTA) President, LaSonja Harrison:

LaSonja Harrison - JTA President

The Jamaica Teachers Association JTA remains in conversation with the Ministry of Finance re-negotiating the best remuneration package for its members under this restructuring exercise of the government of Jamaica. 

While we have made some strides, there are concerns on our part.  While we aren't clairvoyant and can't read the minds of those with whom we negotiate, for now, we will interpret as an error the latest feedback from government reflecting a worst position for some categories of teachers than that which was shared in the previous documents we received. Without a doubt we would have highlighted this retrograde step, as never seen before during a negotiation, as well as other areas of concern. 

We anticipate correction to this interpreted error on the part of government and anticipate immediate addressing of same so further discussions can take place. The teachers' business require diligence and accuracy, there is no room for three card tricks!

1 comment:

M.I.B. said...

Any renumeration exercise in any government can't see the essential services worst off than they were before and instead of renumeration of public sector workers, why don't they renumerate themselves (politicians) and even take a salary cut in this exercise because many of them don't deserve what they're being paid for much less those ridiculous allowances I'm hearing of.... Most essential workers are very much underpaid when compared to their counterparts that is why there'll always be hemorrhaging of members. Workers are to be paid handsomely to retain them especially those that rise their very lives each day, while all jobs are very important the Police (with their limited resources) must be on the list followed by the rest (doctors, teachers, nurses).

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