Tuesday 4 October 2022

JTA President's World Teachers’ Day Message


La Sonja Robinson

       Theme: “The Transformation of Education Begins with Teachers.”

Happy World Teachers’ Day my colleagues locally and globally! As we join the international community of educators to recognize as well as celebrate our worth and work, we are cognizant of the fact that education globally is poised for a birthing/transformation owing to the major shifts affecting the sector. These shifts are for the most part, the result of perennial challenges that were illuminated or worsened by the covid-19 pandemic, hence the theme: “The Transformation of Education begins with Teachers”.

These challenges have frustrated teachers to the point of a global exodus from the profession. The lack of professional courtesy extended to us as practitioners, poor working conditions and an unliveable wage compounded by the maladjusted behaviours displayed by many of our students. If nothing else, what became glaringly obvious was the lack of effective parenting in the homes from which our students come.

Thank you, my colleagues, that despite these negatives, you who have chosen to stay, remain dedicated and committed to the greater cause of nation building. Your goal remains that of honing Jamaica’s greatest asset, our human resource, our children. May the Eternal Father with whom this nation has a covenantal relationship, continually bless, strengthen, and encourage your hearts as well as enlarge your territories.

Be assured colleagues that The Jamaica Teachers’ Association, your Union remains steadfast, unwavering to join with our international partners: the Caribbean Union of Teachers, American Federation of Teachers and Education International among others to continue the agitation that will ensure educators remain central to the conversation regarding the transformation of education. 

Locally, as we lead said discussion in collaboration with the relevant stakeholders, germane to this conversation must be: a review of our philosophy of education; financing of same to include better resourcing of schools for the provision equitable access for ALL Jamaican children; as well as a liveable remuneration package for us as practitioners. These and other issues such as fixing early childhood education as well as giving adequate attention to special needs students are critical, as the learning condition of the student is the working condition of the teacher. Hence, my colleagues we continue with a meticulous eye to monitor and participate in the discourse re the Jamaica Teaching Council Bill and the Compensation Review along with other policy directives that will result in paradigm shifts in our educational landscape. 

We must “Revisit the Foundation; Building our Human Capital through Equitable Educational Opportunities.”

The JTA celebrates you this and every day my colleagues.  Your sacrificial service to nation building has not gone unnoticed. 

Do continue your labour of love to ensure Jamaica’s original mandate is fulfilled, “that Jamaica may, under God, increase in beauty, fellowship and prosperity and play her part in advancing the welfare of the whole human race”. Let us continue to Unite and Serve.

La Sonja Harrison




Anonymous said...

The Lord bless those good teacher who endure just continue to do the good work.

Micspen said...

Good presentation but we first need to have a functional mass definition understood and bought into by the whole society .Then the aims and national objectives are persued relentlessly by all members of society for the next 50- 100 years.

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