Friday 7 October 2022

Kingston & St. Andrew Master League

Eric Barrett - Executive Vice President

Mr. Eric Barrett - Executive Vice-President of the The Kingston & St Andrew Masters League says that the competition kicks off this Sunday with a series of matches listed below.

Breezy Castle Field 

2:00 pm

Nautica  vs  Park Rovers

4:00 pm 

Jacks Hill vs  Rae Town

Shortwood Field

2:00 pm 

King. Comm. vs KUSH 

4:00 pm  

Shortwood vs StonyHill

Maverley Park

2:00 pm 

MVExodus  vs   RealMona 


Maverley  vs  Portmore

Bell ChungField

2:00 pm 

Boys Town  vs  Christian Amb.

4:00 pm  

Stadium Gdns.  vs  OB Vineyard

Winchester Park

2:00 pm 

Ball Nation  vs  St G C

Harbour View Field

 3:00 pm

HVFC  vs Seaview


Constant Spring Field

7:00 pm 

Con Spring   vs  Eastern FC

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