Saturday 22 October 2022

Police Federation Makes Strong Call - Deal With Crime

Corporal Rohan James

The Police Federation says the killing of Cpl Oliver Mullings on Friday, October 21,2022 on Third Street, Trench Town,  should  evoke the proper response from our leaders and must be a wake up call , that Jamaica is in serious trouble when law enforcement officers are killed in the line of duty.

The Federation says, every citizen has a duty and responsibility to partner with the police in the fight against crime as anyone can be next. 

The Federation bemoaned the state of criminality and the  lack of will to fight crime by giving the proper resources to members of the Jamaica Constabulary Force. In condemning the brutal slaying of Corporal Mullings, the Federation said for our employer it is business as usual, but the murder rate should be a call to serious action against criminals.

There will be no vision 2030 if criminals are sheltered by weak, archaic and non- existent crime fighting legislations and human rights group who believe in the rights of criminals who have no fear because of weak punishment when they are caught.

The Federation says they will stand with the members who must place their lives on the line daily for the people of Jamaica without proper renumeration, not knowing if they will return home, when they take up duties in crime ridden Jamaica. 

They have expressed sincere condolences to the family of the slain Corporal. 


Anonymous said...

What the Corporal said I agree for think we need stricker laws for criminals when they catch them and they said yes a them do the act why drop the charges lower it should be higher like death sentences.Condolences to the family.

Anonymous said...

Some of us have been preaching for a long time that Jamaica is going down the wrong road for crime solutions. We MUST look to Singapore's model and stop the rubbish about different culture. USA is also a different culture but we adopt rubbish from them. WAKE UP it is already late. Death penalty, corporal punishment, hard labour, restorative justice, zero tolerance must be critical elements of the crime plan. The "know it alls" including the PM have been failing us in this area.

Empress Leona said...
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Empress Leona said...

Crime is Jamaica is a very complex issue. Some will say it is just complex in general. We need transparency and integrity to fight crime. Now, we know we live in a very corrupt society which makes it conducive to crime, a literal breeding ground.
We cannot fight crime with a corrupt security force, a corrupt justice system and corrupt legislators. The head of the federation should not only condemn the killing of cops but also the killing of civilians by cops. There is often no outcry or condemnation of extrajudicial killings by members of the force. They are creating two Jamaicas and this is not how you solve a problem, you don't creative another problem to solve an existing problem. Did he openly condemn the killing of Donalee Donaldson and others murdered by cops? No, they are not cops.
He is right on point when he mentioned "weak", "archaic" and "non-existent
"legislation. The laws need revamping to suit our current situation. The country is way too easy on criminals and this is a huge factor that continues to feed the crime wave today.

Proposed laws/ amendments:

1. No bail for persons charged for serious crimes
2. On second offence the penalty should be a combination of fines and jail time
3. Death penalty for the murder of children, women, elderly and the disabled/handicapped
4. Death penalty for cop murderers
5. A minimum sentence of 30 years in prison for murder
6. Stiffer penalties for all crimes (fines and jail time)
7. Fines must be reasonable, realistic and practical
8. Persons found with illegal firearms must be treated as those charged with attempted murder. (A gun is not a knife, it has no secondary purpose. You cannot peel fruit or carve with it)
9. Gun fines should not be less than $500, 000 JMD and sentences should start at 2 years.
10. Court cases should not exceed 12 months except under special very circumstances.

Empress Leona said...

*in Jamaica

Anonymous said...

I totally agree with all the comments I don’t no what is happening in Jamaica now. The Lord have to show them some sign very sad.

Micspen said...

In Jamaica most of us are criminals an economy where people have high taste and Percapita income is about US$ 101,000.
Jamaicas per Capita income is $4555.21000 members of the JCF cannot deal with nearly 3,000,000 criminal minded people so this anti crime industry has to be a mass movement where all is involved to have any appreciable results .All is being done enables the rapid growth of a licrative crime industry exporting criminals all over the world from crime garrisons and squatter factories uptown and downtown from Negril to Morant points.Crime bigger than SOEs and JCF the people have to come together and solve this and we can.LeavecSingapore out of this we have to do what we can do as a bruk pocket country.

Micspen said...

Singapore per Capita is
$US 101,000 not Jamaica,s.

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