Tuesday 25 October 2022

Police Federation Says INDECOM Not A Human Rights Lobby Group


Corporal Rohan James

The Jamaica Police Federation has reacted to comments by INDECOM, stating that the oversight body should stick to their core functions, as they are not a Human Rights Lobby group. The Police Federation says, everyone needs to be on board with crime fighting  as we have become the murder capital of the Carribbean. 

Criminals should not feel  emboldened by INDECOM as their duty is to investigate Police actions in keeping with the law, the Federation added.

The Federation says that the state has a duty and responsibility to protect the citizens of this country and Criminals must not feel they have the latitude to create mayhem. If a stance is not taken against criminals, Jamaica will be in serious trouble. 

Chairman of the Police Federation Corporal Rohan James says policing in Jamaica is like walking in a mine field. He added that the Police is the buffer between the citizens and marauding criminals.

He is warning the Government that fighting crime cannot be placed on the back burner.

Editor's Note:

Many of these crimminals are local terrorists. A strategy has to be developed to rid the society of these terrorists. Traditional crime fighting methods and laws along with the current judicial system are not sufficient to deal with these terrorists.


Anonymous said...

INDECOM is very PRO-criminal, very SWIFT TO investigate our officers but dooooo nothing and SILENT when mass murder takes place. It’s CLEAR TO SEE it’s ANTI-POLICE

Nzingha said...

Crime should be the Priority even before Education at this point in our development. We are all living in fear . believe it or not. I worry for my kids when they are out on the streets. I cannot sleep until I hear them turn the key in that door . What kind of life is that? I say publicly I support Dr Horace Change in his call.. Shoot to kill?

Anonymous said...

Dr chang did not say shoot to kill he said he hope the commission trains them properly that wherever they return fire they are on target

Anonymous said...

I agree with you. They are a WASTE of tax payers money. Since their inception things have gotten worst. They are in the way, and they need to tek way dem selves. What is needed is an intelligence body at the front end inside the JCF to quietly weed out the corrupt/bad cops. You can't be "peepee pluckpluck" behind a police officer when he/she is out their risking their lifes doing their work. This is counter productive, not good..

Anonymous said...

I couldn't agree with you more. The police has to what they have to do.

Anonymous said...

I sympathise with members of the JCF and members of the teaching fraternity. If they do, they're damned, if they don't, they're damned

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