Saturday 22 October 2022

Traffic Nightmare at Intersection of Waltham Park Road and Spanish Town Road!


I received the following report from a listener:

Good day Mr Derby, hope you're well. I'm asking you again please help me to bring some attention to Spanish Town Road.  In the mornings it's a menace, Thursday was the worst that I've seen it. It took us about 40 minutes from the intersection at Waltham Park Road and Spanish Town Road to reach S.T.A.T.H.S. Can you believe it ? Gridlock Sir, and the stoplight at the Waltham Park Road/Spanish Town Road intersection has not been working for a long time now, which is one of the main reason for the traffic problem. When it is working it is bad and not so bad, because at least some will obey it, but when it is not working it is Chaos. We need Traffic police there every morning please! 

When we finally reached the turn for the school, no vehicle could go in. We had to park on the sidewalk and walk it down. My child wasn't pleased that his name had to go in the late book. Bless your soul Mr. Derby and have a blessed evening.

Click on the video below to see the traffic situation on Spanish Town Road in Kingston:

Note: Message has been edited. Please add your comments to this blog so that the relevant authorities will see your comments. You comments will make a difference.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Horrible state of affairs indeed. I hope the relevant authorities will take appropriate action now!!

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