Sunday 20 November 2022

Citizen Reports Danger in Bois Content In Minister Everald Warmington's Constituency


Breakaway at Bois Content

GM. Mr Derby. 

I’m a concern citizen asking for help in the fixing of a wall that was fallen down actually on a house and damaged the road in Bois Content. Luckily nobody was there at the time. It was brought to the counselor's attention and his response was there’s no money in the kitty. The counselor is Mr. Keith Knight and the MP is Mr. Warminton. It’s a very serious threat to motor vehicles and pedestrians. It’s a danger to especially the children who have to use the road daily.  Please put it out to the higher authority for us. Thank you 🙏🏻 Concerned citizens.


Anonymous said...

Knowing how Jamaica run, money will be allocated to fix this road in about six months, but by the everybody get their cut we will be right back at square one

Anonymous said...

Hope it gets attention immediately

Anonymous said...

The road construction seems to have been very poorly done in the first place.

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