Tuesday 1 November 2022

Crave For Foreign Food? Our Dollar Will Pay Dearly For It.

 This afternoon I went to the supermarket and I took these pictures. These pictures tell you a story!

This is imported from the USA and it is not sealed.

This could buy you some Jamaican food

Can we make these in Jamaica rather than importing them.

Can we make this in Jamaica

Can we make this in Jamaica

This Jamaican yogurt on the shelf was easily opened. 

The top lifted up because it is not sealed.

You see where this bagel is coming from!!!

Our tastes for things foreign will ensure that our dollar continues to take a nose dive.


Anonymous said...

Fe real, why are we using foreign exchange to import these things? Why are we importing these things, period? Makes NO sense!

Anonymous said...

Plus wig ...false hair....bleaching cream we will hug the title of third word for long

Anonymous said...

The reason for this is We ALWAYS throw away money on what we WANT and then turn around to BEG BEG for our needs, hence poor broke PAP DONG and suffering

Anonymous said...

Comparable product being a roti (made in Ja) - u see that price? That is why wraps get sold and bought. I not buying 2 so-so roti fi the price of 10 wraps. And the wraps keep much longer.

Anonymous said...

We are still in slavery, mentally that is.

Anonymous said...

It amazes me why we always think that in order for us to have the best it has to be imported. Like in some cases in Africa it's exported then imported into the same country and sold back to the back to the people at a higher price. We are missing a trick here. In the past we were told to destroy our coconut crops only to import oils which are no good for us. Now coconut oil is at such a high price many of us can no longer afford it. We must determine what is best for us as a country instead of being told what is. We have seen where that has taken us over the past decades. Whatever happened to the message of self reliance? Sadly it appears to have fallen by the wayside. A lot of these imported food is filled with so much chemicals that is killing us whilst we ignore the good natural home grown food many in those countries would love to have and pay a premium to have it. Lets eat what we grow and grow what we eat and stop feasting on this diet of garbage sold to us pretending to be what it's not all just to make someone rich. The most unfortunate thing is our own Jamaican is complicit in this act of betrayal of our people. Sorry to go on but it angers me to see this happening decade after decade, year after year. The brain washing of our people has to stop.

Anonymous said...

There is so much fruits, tubers, and vegetables in Jamaica that could feed the nation, if people would just open their eyes and minds. Breadfruit, banana, mangoes for example could be processed into goodies. Almond trees are abundant in Jamaica that could make almond milk. The local variety is similar to the imported kind. It just need someone to find a suitable machine to crack the nuts

Anonymous said...

Exactly 💯💯💯. Jamaican foods are naturally organic.

Anonymous said...

Omg can’t believe it

Anonymous said...

Bagels, for example is just another bread. Fancy bread, in other words. Just another item that allows one from a certain class to say, I had bagels and another from another (lower) class to say, I had "hardthough"😆.

Anonymous said...

Lots of questions ( understandably so ) , would love to see some suggested solutions ( just hoping )

Anonymous said...

Where are our food technologists? Where is our research and development in the area of edible products? Does Soap and Edible Products (SEPROD) have an R&D Department? Is Grace Kennedy fast asleep? Can we learn from Africa how to make yam powder? How to preserve yam? Can we produce mango products instead of allowing the wanton waste of mangoes from our numerous trees every year? This is a crying shame in a country that can't create jobs causing our youths, our graduates to turn to crime.
This is perhaps the most profound blog I have seen here.

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