Saturday 5 November 2022

Fake Vernon Derby Facebook Page!!!

There are challenges when you get into the limelight because you can be targetted for attack in some strange ways by strange persons. I have had quite a few  challenges with these strange persons in the past, but I have survived. There was a case of threat against me, but the police dealt with that. I still do not know who was making the threats Some years ago when I was targetted, God was on my side and I navigated my way out of a difficult situation. I lived to tell that tale.

I now see a new strategy which is being employed, and I am convinced that it is aimed at crippling me. A Facebook page has been set up in my name and they have used a picture from one of my legitimate pages to give the impression that it is my page. The creator of this page, has invited persons to subscribe to the Fake page. Do not communicate with this person using this page.

Please do not accept a friend request from this page. Report the page to Facebook!

Click here to go to the page.

The Page Which Was Not Created By Vernon Derby

Fake Page


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

what will they come with next

Anonymous said...

These "John Crow" don't have anything productive to do but to create problems in the world. Soon find out who is doing it.

Anonymous said...

I got a friend request but I didn't accept because I know if any changes to your page you would announce it

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