Wednesday 30 November 2022

Interruption in the Transportation Sector Thursday, December 1, 2022???

Mixed reactions are coming from the transportation sector tonight. TODDS says that they will not be a part of any demonstration on Thursday December 1, 2022. There is another group advising transport operators to withdraw their services and this could be for an extended period. This group is a breakaway group from TODDS. 

If this other group has its way, we could have a disruption in the transportation sector. Government, the police, the JUTC and the commuters, must be ready for any challenges. 


Anonymous said...

Wow omg

Anonymous said...

I do hope the Minister of national Security send out the police and army in full force today and tomorrow to deal harshly with form of intimidation by these thug taxi operators . Who think they are above the law and can do thier illegal driving each day and the Govet should give them a break in thier punishment . The police must be ready prevent any recurrence of what took place November 14,2022

Anonymous said...

Not good. Too much disruption.

Anonymous said...

It annoys me! They have repeatedly broken the law and now when they are required to make amends they want govt to bend back. Look how many months, years in some cases? LET THEM PAY. NO RETREAT, NO SURRENDER

Anonymous said...

This is disgusting. No surrender go pay the money.
I have been a good driver. But i get ticket and i pay it .
Who are they i am sure nuff a dem buy them license.
No surrender.

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