Saturday 12 November 2022

That 911 Number - Is It Worth Calling?

On Friday, November 11, at about 0930 hours EST, I began my usual trip up Washington Boulevard then I proceeded in a southernly direction down Constant Spring Road.  While the traffic flowed well on Washington Boulevard, it was heavier going down Constant Spring Road. I was driving that route because it is a nightmare driving on Molynes Road which is crammed in the mornings with weapons of mass destruction!

After crossing the bridge on Constant Spring Road, I noticed that there was a gradual buildup of traffic. I discovered that a car which looked as if it was disabled was parked in the road. Motorists were in a hurry to reach work on time, and they began to hurl some ugly abuses at the lady who was sitting in the driver's seat.

I drove off the road on to the piazza on the right side of the car to see if the driver was having some challenges. I came out of my car, beckoned to the driver and asked if she needed help. After about five minutes she drove off and that dispelled my belief that the vehicle was disabled. She drove across the road which caused confusion among the motorists. She once again parked in the left lane obviously impeding the traffic.

I drove my car and stopped in front of her car and then I approached her by her door and indicated to her that I was willing to assist. She ignored my pleas. I then looked through her front windscreen and started knocking on it to get her attention. She looked at me in a strange way and then flashed her hand at me. I knew then that something must be wrong. 

If I stayed with her any longer, I know that I would be late to get on air for my radio programme. I called 911 and while I was on the phone the lady drove over to the Courts parking lot. When the person answered the phone at 911, I explained to her that a woman has blocked the traffic twice on Constant Spring Road and something seems to be wrong with her. The 911 responder started to quiz me as if I were under investigations. I explained to her that I took a picture of the car and if she took my number, I could get the picture with the license number to her as soon as I get to work. She said she could not contact me. I asked to speak to a supervisor. The supervisor continued the interrogations. By this time, I got very frustrated, and I told him to have a good day.

When I went on air, I gave my listeners a ball-by-ball account of the incident and I had a few uncomplimentary words for the 911 department. I also sent a message to the Commission of Police while I was on air. During the show, I got a call from the commanding office for the 911 department however, I was not able to speak to the commanding officer then.

I have on more than one occasion offered to play my part in the crime fighting process. My offer has not been taken up by the high command. I hear that we are to tell the police what we know, but sometimes I wonder if they really want to hear from those of us who want to say. Jamaica is in deep problems, and it is on a downward trajectory. We need leaders in every sector to help us to change course. Do you think there is hope?

Below you will see the picture of the car which was being driven by this lady. Note the license plate. If you know a friend of the driver or a relative, please send me a WhatsApp message to (876) 816-5261. I am still thinking about this lady but then again, who cares? Do you? Do you recognize this car. Share this post with as many persons as possible. Yes, I know I can call upon the state to assist but.....

Have you called 911? How was your experience?

Car which stopped and blocked traffic on Constant Spring Road


Anonymous said...

What's new?
That's the behavior of the police I has to call then about two weeks ago all now

Anonymous said...

Yu lucky dem ansa

Anonymous said...

Oh my that not right

Anonymous said...

Its sad to say this but its as a result of terrible, mischievous, selfish Jamaicans who make Prank calls to the Police Emergency Centre why the Operator ( who sometimes is a civilian) has to interrogate the callers who are sometimes genuine ones.

Vernon Lloyd Derby said...

Interrogating a caller to ascertain whether or not it is a prank call can mean the difference between life or death. The technology can deal with the challenge of prank calls. We need to act and deal with the challenges rather than just complaining about the challenges.

Anonymous said...

Is it 911 or 119... or does both work for emergency contact in Jamaica?

Anonymous said...

Welcome to Jamaica😭 Obviously the driver has an issue. You can feel a sense of relief that you tried to help - 911 ??😷

Rosina Christina Moder said...

The not caring attitude starts from their leadership! Imagine they are renting out the Police Officer's Club for loud blasting events...and this right beside the Andrew Memorial Hospital!!!

Anonymous said...

I called them when my phone was taken at Little Little theatre. There had been a series of these occurrences and many persons had seen the thief. The dispatcher said there was no point them coming there if I didn't know where he was (I had no device with which to track the phone at the time) so I should go to the station once I found out. She didn't even want my information. When I went to the station later with the location the phone was tracked to, they didn't seem to care; they did not want the model and serial number. Just gave me a receipt for the report. This is why there is such a rampant spate of thefts and muggings for phones. They can carry on with impunity. Persons don't even bother reporting.

Anonymous said...

Re driving and turningon lights: 1. Many early mornings I am on the road before daylight, and 2. Evenings as it gets dark; but have you noticed how many cars don't turn on the car lights. Dangerous!
Surely the road code addresses this.

Also when raining heavily and one can hardly see oncoming cars, very few turn on lights.

Now instead of police standing there whose only intention is to write tickets, Surely they can stop and inform motorists to turn on lights?

Anonymous said...

Your experience with 119 or 911 doesn’t surprise me. My experiences over the years have been similar. Going to a Police Station to make a report isn’t any different. You can’t help but feel that you are wasting your time. Sad.

Anonymous said...

The behavior of people are getting stranger and stranger

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