Monday 5 December 2022

Taxi Drivers On Strike - No Mek Dem Fool Yu!

More JUTC buses on our roads please!

Taxi drivers on strike - big joke. 😀😀😀 These are not taxi drivers because if they go on the road on Monday, December 5, 2022, their vehicles could be seized.  They are not on strike, they are afraid that the police will remove the vehicles from our streets so they will remove themselves voluntarily. Monday, December 5, should be a great day for decent drivers. Please, don't call off the strike and spoil my day you bunch of idlers. 

The government cannot help those indisciplined drivers. It is a court matter. They need to go to the court and arrange to pay for the fines. Frankly, I believe after those drivers get certain amount of tickets they should be removed from our roads permanently. That is one way to clean up those jokers from off the streets. 

JUTC, we need more buses on our roads for those who don't have cars and for those who can barely afford to drive the cars. We definitely don't need drivers who rake up hundreds of tickets while driving on our roads.


Anonymous said...

Well said

Ren said...

The government and the courts are still playing with these people.
There vehicles SHOULD BE CONFISCATED AND SHOULD NOT BE RETURN until those fines are paid in full.
That's just the tip of the iceberg, there are too much people in Jamaica who simply turns a blind eye to law and order.
Including our so call LEADERS, and lots of the same police officers who are supposed to be upholding said laws of the country.
How can you allow a driver to be on our roadways, with 200 outstanding tickets.
Little wonder they continue to murder our citizens on the roads of jamaica Every day.
If the vehicles are not confiscated those same people individually will continue to break the law, by driving without licences and by extension NO INSURANCE.
And what are the insurance company's doing about these individuals.
Are they able to purchase regular insurance policies? Or are they placed in facilitie bracket at a higher cost than the the people who respect the law.

Anonymous said...

No amnesty for tickets is coming!! The government has told them to work it out with the traffic court!! They are just lawless bullies those taxi men!! Look at the number of chances those taxi men have got to settle up those tickets!!! Nonsense they keeping up!! Glad they not getting anymore amnesty!!!! Good lads!! Excellent move by the JLP!! Hooliganism must never be allowed to prevail!!!

Anonymous said...

Some of the bus drivers are not any better!! Just disgusting and disappointing

Anonymous said...

Mr Derby why are they still on the road after that stunt they pulled? And now demanding payment plan, their vehicles should be taken away arest them for the outstanding amount, they're still out here racking up more tickets, if you see what one did yesterday it happened so fast I couldn't catch not even the license.J.U.T.C is a joke might as well we walk or get some bicycles

Anonymous said...

For any other law abiding citizen with an unpaid ticket (much less the volume the incurred without fear) & they who who fail to attend the traffic court (unless the new ticket system does not indicate such in the instructions on the front or back of the ticket) a summons is usually ordered by the presiding magistrate
What's so special about them?

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