Monday 16 January 2023

Shane Dalling CEO For Firearms Licensing Authority, for SpotOn On Riddim FM

Shane Dalling JP

Head of the Firearm Licensing Authority (FLA), Mr. Shane Dalling JP, will Be My Guest on Riddim FMMonday, January 16, 2023 from 1100 to 1200 EST. Mr. Dalling will be taking a look at the new Firearm Act 2022, and he will say how these changes will affect Jamaica. If you have a questions to ask, a suggestion to make, or just to make a comment about the FLA, then WhatsApp this to (876) 816-5261.

We will also have the feature, Consumer Prices, when our vendors will give the prices of food items in the Coronation Market.

Join the peoples advocate on the peoples programme, the people's university and the people's parliament - SpotOn and be SpotOn!


Anonymous said...

Ok great😁

Anonymous said...

"Those who have economic power have real political power".The FLA is a part of that ligitimate sector of Crime Industry put in place to protect the economic and political aristocracy that accounts for appr 2% of the Jamaican population or 60,000 the same number of licences granted up to the end of 2022.Under the act one can get up to 4 licences for self defence so number of persons may be different.
The FLA is designed to further protect the aristocracy along with the 11,000 police ,30,000 Security guards,6000JDF personell,6000 attorneys 11 prisons along with the rest of the rest of the legal and socioeconomic infrastructure designed to protect the wealthy.With all of that the ordinary poor,middle and lower classes remain at the mercy of hoodlums unable to defend themselves as the illigitimate firearms Criminal Licencing Authority carry on business as usual all you have to have is money to buy the firearms,no rigmarole,no bureaucracy.The new firearms sounds fearful but if Indefinite Detention did not have an impact will 15 years mandatory for illegal possession of fitearms do it

Anonymous said...

Good morning sir , you apply for a firearm license they told you to install a vault for them to come and inspect it , after you have done all of that you are told thar its not granted .and 50,000 to appeal the case or wait 2 years to reapply ,Who camera up with these crazy ideas ?

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