Saturday 22 April 2023

SpotOn Reasoning With Vernon Derby

Good day, my friends. I would love to have your feedback on my opinions expressed in this video. Just click on the picture below to hear what was broadcasted on air during SpotOn, on Friday, April 21, 2023.

Click to listen to Vernon Derby

Listen to Riddim FM

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Responding to your comments
1- I agree that people should not be cast aside because of their age. If they still can make a meaningful contribution to society then why cast them aside. Let them become mentors for the younger generation.
2 -But I believe that Politicians should be given an age to retire. They get so embedded in the system, they become corrupted and manipulative
3. There is no such thing as loyalty from the younger generation. Their only loyalty is to the almighty dollar. How do we change that mindset? Where did it come from? Andrew HOLNESS IS GUILTY, telling people about everyman must have big house do they get the big house and car?
4. About Board membership..Jamaica is still a class and intellectually snobbish society. They only respect you based on your profession of being a lawyer, doctor or one of those high-flying professions. No one respects the street smart ordinary people. It's time for that to change. People with hands on and on-the-ground experience are priceless.. they are better survivors than the so-called educated persons..Why cant they be put on some of these boards to even teach the Ministers a thing or two.
5. A lot of our laws ARE OLD AND OUTDATED..AS OUTDATED AS THE lawyers and judges. Who understands the language in which they are written. I also question if this is deliberate
6. As for ideas to fight and control crime, take it to the people from the innercity areas who live and experience the sound of gunshots by their windows day and night. Co-op some of them to sit on these committees with the police officers . I think we would be surprised how helpful they could be.i

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