Wednesday 5 April 2023

What's Happening - April 5, 2023


L - R Sandra Ramsay from Food for the Poor, Mr. Miller and
Mr. Watkis from the Correctional Services and Mr. McFarlane from Food for the Poor

Food for the Poor is all over the place helping those who need help. Many without a roof over their heads can now sleep well at nights, many have been assisted to assist those who need help. This time Food For The Poor is assisting in making payments for some prisoners so that they can enjoy freedom in this period as we celebrate the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Mrs. Sandra Ramsay is in charge of the Food For The Poor programme for the prisoners. The organization is also assisting in making payments for incarcerated persons who are unable to pay their fines at Christmas also.


When Di Spirit Teck Ova Don! - Click to listen


The Moon

When last have you taken time out to look at the moon or the stars in the sky. Tonight a friend of mine encouraged me to have a look at the moon outside. It was a beautiful sight. Remember to spend some time looking at the moon, the stars the beautiful plants and animal around us and forget the depressing state that we are in sometimes.


One day this week I saw these streaks of contrails across the sky and as I looked up  again at the sky, there was another plane at a high cruising altitude leaving another contrail as it headed to another destination. Please ignore the stupid conspiracy messages being sent around on social media about these contrails. The contrails are just icicles formed as the planes make their way across the sky. 


Opal Lee - US Immigration Attorney

Min. Audley Shaw

Opal Lee, US immigration lawyer will be my guest on Travel Matters. Minister Audley Shaw had promised to to join me during My Representative, but I am unable to make contact with him tonight. Wendel Wilkins the people's lawyer might join me at that time. 


JPS Announcement


Anonymous said...

Lovely planes👹

Anonymous said...

All coming from the Guantanamo bay location

Anonymous said...

At equal intervals

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