Monday 1 May 2023

Breaking News -Teachers Off the Job!

Mrs. Merlene Watson-Evans

Teachers at the Independence City Primary School in St. Catherine are now off the job due to the high level of stress teachers experience at the school. The school had two guidance counselors when the school population was 700 and now the population has doubled and one of the guidance counselors has been removed. The Chairperson of the School Board Mrs. Merlene Watson-Evans, will join me on SpotOn on Riddim FM on Tuesday, May 2, 2023, to discuss this developing situation.

There have been numerous reports of a significant number of cases of violence in our schools in recent times. Students seem to be able to do as they like and feel.

This notice was given to parents about closure!

Note: It is uncertain who sent this message to the parents.


Click here and listen to Riddim FM, Monday to Friday from 1000 to 1300 on Riddim FM.

Supervisor for seafood bar and grill needed in Kingston. Send WhatsApp message to 876 816-5261 if you are interested.



Anonymous said...

Wow hope they get the situation resolved soon👹

Anonymous said...

Teachers, I empathise

Anonymous said...

Am trying real hard to figure out 🤔 if our leader's of this country really care about our most beloved Teacher's. Most other countries. So the work load get bigger. They would add more workers. In Jamaica they add more work and less Pay or late Pay and then when the person can not take it anymore and leave. Then you see how them running around like a chicken , 🍗 without a head.

Anonymous said...

How a letter could be sent, and no one in authority is a wear of it🤔 makes no sense

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