Sunday 7 May 2023

Gabrielle Gilpin Hudson Talks with Vernon Derby - Proposed Container Homes

There is talk about using containers to build low-income homes and a number of persons have raised questions about this matter. Some persons are concerned that these containers may be contaminated with toxic material and it could have an impact on those who end up living in these container homes.

Let us listen to a discussion with Gabrielle Gilpin Hudson about the construction of container homes. Make sure to add your comments to this blog and you can also WhatsApp me your voicemails to 876 816-5261.

Gabrielle Gilpin Hudson is a lawyer and a realtor with officers in Montego Bay and also in Kingston.

Click to listen to the discussion.

Other Readings:

Please add your comments and send you voicemails about this matter to (876) 816-5261.


Anonymous said...

Neavet heard of those beforešŸ’£

Just sis G said...

Sound good they have some of those houses abroad too they should have have some for seniors too

Anonymous said...

Have some respect for poor people. Better we build board houses with concrete floors. Are you going to give then air-conditioning. Stop disrespecting the poor. Container can be used for shops etc because nobody will be sleeping in them. Can you imagine an elderly person in one of those 24/7! What do you people take poor people fah. Kmt

Anonymous said...

That is Anju - jump and endorse something without even thinking. Don't speak well for a leader. Both governments have failed the people when it comes to housing. Both, for reasons known to them and perhaps shared by them, they refuse to lot up the lands, put in light, water and electricity and sell the lots to the people and allow them to build their own houses. Instead, land is sold to developers who build some buildings they call houses, houses in which one can hardly turn in and sell them for exorbitant and ridiculously high prices . Michael Manley must be catapulting in his grave. Anju even tek nht money and build luxury apartments. Shame shame shame on this government.

Anonymous said...

I think as usual Jamaica over pricing everything. Container houses in other countries are not that expensive. I also think they give that price to discourage persons from buying them as they will not earn a lot from it. As usual it is more important what they earn from something than the well being of our jamaican people. Jamaica land we love

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