Sunday 14 May 2023

The Neglected Gold Mine!!! Written by Michael Spence

This Riverton Fire notice has been going on intermittently for decades. Every government comes to say they have a plan to make it more environmentally, socially, and economically friendly, you get more of the same.

I know people who have had to move from communities like Cooreville, Duhaney Park, and others nearby to save their lives. People are afflicted by respiratory illnesses that bring on skin diseases, and high blood pressure leading to heart, and kidney disease and ultimately death.

These big fires are a wake-up call but the small continuous fires and the inhalation of methane and other gasses from decomposing items, burning of plastics, etc are having devastating effects on people's health from a greater to a lesser degree all over Kingston, St Catherine, Portmore and elsewhere.

The air over Jamaica is one air connected so don't be surprised Riverton fires are affecting people from Negril Point to Morant Point.

Oh, Republicanism will change all that, and our high rates of illiteracy??

Pay attention to Jamaica in this age of technological advancements globally Riverton's affectations can be solved at short notice but people must resist moving the problem to St Thomas, St Catherine, or elsewhere.

Jamaica's Kingston quasi-colonial administration and governance is good at "sending the fool a little further".

It has not been lost on me that Riverton is also a thriving community with brilliant pragmatic intelligent scientists experienced in all forms of recycling.

Bottles, batteries, meat, food, and animal products from which persons earn an income. They use the income to send their kids to University, basic, High, and primary schools. This community is full of geniuses, innovators interspersed with a minority of deviants and criminals.

Riverton is a "gold mine" and these fires are like reminders to the world that "we are here, help us".

Mics πŸ–‹️pen


Note: Micheal Spence is a businessman based in rural Jamaica.


Anonymous said...

Well said Riverton is indeed a place where talent and opportunity exists and should be unearthed.

Anonymous said...

Excellent content from this thinker and writer extraordinaire.

Micspen said...

Really I was not aware ,thanks.

Anonymous said...

Good info hope the powers that be are listening.

Anonymous said...

Time come for Riverton action.

Anonymous said...

Riverton indeed a gold mine.

Anonymous said...

Riverton is a national treasure being burnt.

Anonymous said...

Among the places in Kingston worth visiting is Riverton.

Anonymous said...

Good information😁

Anonymous said...

Good article! I passed through it this Sabbath to and from Kingston, and observed that it now seems to be a consistent conflagration. Bless the Lord for COVID-19. I had a mask which I had to use in that area.

Anonymous said...

Wow!This is an eye opener valuable potentially highly productive property.

Anonymous said...

How many acres is Riverton it could become the new Kingston City
factories,hotels,train stations,
transportation hub etc closer to the highway less traffic jams
The New New Kingston???

Anonymous said...

Any ideas where the Dump/landfill would go.Then who wants it in their niegbourhood??

Anonymous said...

Wow!!!! Well said, you touched all the salient points especially the section that that speaks to the income.... well done πŸ‘πŸΏπŸ‘πŸΏπŸ‘πŸΎπŸ‘πŸΎ

Anonymous said...

Excellent piece. Keep highlighting the "forgotten treasures"

Anonymous said...

What a la la Riverton soon gone Pon world map.

Micspen said...

Riverton look like it could become the gateway to a future Kingston.

Anonymous said...

I wonder all the times how the people who lives close to it manage, because just passing on the Mandela or Spanish town road while it's burning affects me, I have to cover my face theask alone don't help because it affects my eyes as well.lots of people makes a living from what's been dump there. I wonder if someone like a furnace would work

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