Saturday 29 July 2023

Petty Squabbles and Oversized Egos Holding Jamaica Back

Paula Llewelyn - DPP

Another controversy again concerning the Director of Public Prosecution (DPP)! When I heard the discussions taking place about extending the retirement age for the DPP, I said to myself what the hell is happening. First, there was the filing of a court case to prevent the extension of the DPP's service. Now we are learning that a senior prosecutor has written to the PM objecting to the DPP's age of retirement being moved to 65 years. It seems somehow that the DPP is a big fish and she must be caught at all cost. Some things are happening that many of us do not understand. There is this matter of the Police Commissioner vs the Police Federation Chairman. There are now speculations in some quarters that the action of the Police Commissioner against the Police Federation Chairman was not initiated by him and that this could be a setup for the downfall of the Commissioner of Police.

I am anxious to see my country progress, but we are regressing by the minute. We can expect our country to stagnate if we continue to be bogged down by engaging in petty squabbles and disagreements. National strategic, and tactical matters which will benefit our country are what we should be discussing. The arguments and bickering among these leaders seem more about fighting for power and scarce benefits by people who are constantly at war.  Based on what is happening, people's oversize egos seem to be hindering our nation from moving forward.

Jamaicans are also getting tired of this Integrity Commission bickering, the bickering over who should represent their political parties in the constituencies. the bickering between the Police Federation and the Commissioner of Police, and the constant bickering between the political parties which leaves no time to discuss major matters of national importance. 

Minister Everald Warmington
This week a member of parliament, Minister Everald Warminton walked out of a meeting of the Integrity Commission Oversight Committee which was in session at Gordon House. You also have the Opposition Party representative on the Constitutional Reform committee withdrawing from that committee. This is too much now! We need to stop this nonsense. The criminals must be all laughing at us. What the hell is happening. Could it be that the high temperatures are having a negative impact on our behavior? What do you think?

Note: Click HERE to see the Jamaica Gleaner's report of a senior prosecutor making a report to the Prime Minister about the DPP. Click HERE to see the response of the DPP to that letter to the PM.



Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

There were actually sone good points of law and governance made in the letter I saw from the Senior Prosecutor. Points that are at least worthy of unemotional debate. I don't think they should have been made in that manner, but perhaps the writer felt she had no other medium by to make those points.

As for the Integrity Commission, I rathrr look foward to the role and reach of the Commission being examined and clearly defined, with additional powers granted to it in a transparent and clearly equitably manner. Then maybe we will start to make progress in what is perhaps the most important battle facing us as a Nation.

Anonymous said...

It all boils down to integrity or the lack thereof

Anonymous said...

Yes, too much characters with big egos and not enough intregrity and loyalty to Jamaica's development.
The Integrety Commissions must be given more power and not be undermined.
Warmington needs to be "managed"

Anonymous said...

The problem is none of them has any integrity

Anonymous said...

One thing is clear, and that is that the current government has a particular interest in keeping this DPP in place, makes one wonder why and if it has anything to do with several politicians being investigated by the Integrity Commission for corruption and illegal enrichment! Is this an effort to have the DPP sweep these under the rug, thus cutting off the commission's "powers" at the knees?
I'm not sure that matters of serious national debate, such as overeach by the government; the police union head being punished for his free speech rights; constitutional reform without transparency,; stifling of the Integrity Commission, the failure of government to protect investors and allegedly removing their funds, and other matters being discussed in the public sphere can be referred to as bickering!
It is time for investigative bodies like the Integrity Commission, INDECOM, Contractor General etc be made independent bodies not answerable to the DPP nor parliament!
Perhaps if politicians start going to prison and ill-gotten gains seized, then maybe we see a change for the better in Jamaica!

Anonymous said...

The DPP is the best I have seen so far. What is the big issue in extending her tenure to 65....the age of retirement in the government service is 65 across the board, so what if the DPP's is extended. "Storm in a teacup" Unno go find better thing to do with unno time and let the DPP be!

Anonymous said...

I will not change my opinion. "Only men should be in charge". Less squabbles, less choices made due to emotions and more objectivity.

Vernon Lloyd Derby said...

Bickering refers to how these matters are discussed in the public domain and how we deal with such matters. If we should have a poll done now to ascertain how many Jamaicans understand the issues, we could get some interesting responses. In the judicial system the move is to have matters dealt with by mediators. What we now have is public bickering, grandstanding, power play and political posturing. Jamaica is certainly not winning in all of this.

Anonymous said...

You can't manage a wild hog.Warmington has always been rude disrespectful and low class.Nothing can change some one of that breeding.

Anonymous said...

Men make decisions with their penis.Isnt that emotional decision making?

Anonymous said...

Honestly: whenever you talk the Truth in Jamaica either, you gently being pushed aside or them them push way down to the back or if they are intimidated, them sent man come lick out your head back. Jamaica is on the path to great 👌 success. However; we need to stop patching the problems and start to fixing the problems and stop moving forward with our heads backwards. We know exactly what to do, but too in a one hole, so the cheese cannot last.

Anonymous said...

In the least he should not be representing anyone but himself!

Vernon Lloyd Derby said...

His last win was an impressive one!!!

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