Tuesday 25 July 2023

Politician Poisoned?

I received information from a trusted source yesterday that a well-known political figure drank a bottle of beer at a shop while he was on the campaign trail recently, and it is alleged that the beer contained rat poison.,

I sent messages to two senior members of the police force seeking information about the matter and none has responded. I spoke to a senior member of the political party and the party member says that he has no knowledge of the incident.

Information being circulated is that senior members of the political party are doing their best to keep this matter confidential so that the matter does not impact the party negatively.

The silence is deafening, and this silence is giving wings to the story. This story is probably not true, but the deafening silence will certainly help to spread the story. If you have any information about this matter, please WhatsApp me at 876 816-5261.



Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Nothing in JA is a secret, so it will be out there

Anonymous said...

If it nuh guh soh, it near goh soh, wha deh a daak, mus come a light!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Wow 😳 why would they do that? It will eventually comes out

Anonymous said...

You have achieved what so many failed in their first attempt. You are a top journalist, writing and reporting in Jamaica. May your birthday be fruitful, fun and filled with love. I am sure you will go great on your second decade.

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