Wednesday 16 August 2023

Bark Di Trute is Barking Effectively!

Vernon L. Derby


Hon. Pearnel Charles Jr.
Thanks for the numerous responses that Bark Di Trute received to the story involving Beverly Davis who many say was an outstanding performer for many years at IRIE FM. Thanks to Minister Pearnel Charles Jr. for responding to the blog, and promising that he will be looking into the matter. (See pictures below)

Cornwall Regional Hospital

Hon. Christopher Tufton

I have not heard from Minister Tuftun about the video which was being circulated about the conditions at the Cornwall Regional Hospital in Montego Bay. I spoke to a staff member in the Ministry of Health and Wellness this afternoon, and I enquired if a release was sent out about the situation at the Cornwall Regional Hospital. I am waiting to get a copy of that release.

Work as a Consumer Advocate

There are a few persons who are trying to dissuade me from what I do as a hobby and that is being a Consumer Advocate. Some are possibly upset because they believe that I am being critical of their party. They started to question my sources and added some strange comments to my blog. A few cowards have been writing negative things about my work in other groups.

Power of Social Media

We must realize that this is the age of social media and social media cannot be managed in the manner that we manage the traditional media. You cannot suspend the license of a social media writer. Persons must understand that the days when something happened and then public relations officers then spent a day or two writing a press release are now over. Information that is available must be given almost immediately. If this is not done, then someone will use their phone and take a video which can go viral in a few minutes. Incorrect information could be sent out. It then becomes almost impossible to correct the incorrect information that has gone out.

Please note that in just over a year this blog site has had over 732,000 visits, my Facebook account reached over 5 million two years ago and a video posted on my page had over 20 million views. You might remember me posting a story about Christopher Seaga the son of former Prime Minister The Most Hon. Edward Seaga. In about three days, over 25,000 persons visited the page and a few persons volunteered to donate a kidney to Christopher. Christopher is now back in Jamaica and he will be my special guest when I start at Omega KLAS FM. I must not forget also the JAD2.5 million dollars which was donated as scholarships through the initiative of this blog and my work on radio. 


Thanks for your continued support and encourage your friends to click on the Follow button at the top right hand of the page. Remember that I will be back on the radio at Omega KLAS FM next month. Your support has helped Bark Di Trute in being an effective tool in getting things done for the people.


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Bark Di Trute - Views by Country

Pictures of the IRIE building being refurbished after staff members complained about becoming ill.





  1. I am very happy u got something else

  2. What a wicked set of people at IrieFm from you lock down the place and doing all that major work which from the looks of the men working they are not wearing the proper gear to do a task such as that they are not from the relevant authorities. POOR UNSUSPECTING WORKERS .TRUTH BE TOLD THE COMPANY has accepted liability . Where was the proper Government authorities. No man think they are bigger than the law itself. Compensate the workers

  3. These are clear evidence, such wackiness

  4. The enemy is trying to frustrate Ms Beverly Davis but it will not stand.

  5. You have people working in a place with this level of work going on, why we won't do the right thing.and these workers won't wear protective gears they are allowed to do as pleased everytime.qhen they go elsewhere they quickly fall in line,

  6. This is a high level of wackiness

  7. Justice must serve must perceive for Miss Beverly Davis

  8. You can not be treated like this in your own country, it is unacceptable


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