Saturday 21 October 2023


Lois Grant
Over the span of my career, I wholeheartedly invested in life insurance policies, swayed by agents whom I considered friends. Trusting in the merits of insurance and wanting to support these connections, I embarked on this financial journey. We were young and ambitious, and I harboured no ill will towards anyone. In other words, no bad mind on my part, prosperity for all.

Fast forward over four decades, and I've come to the  stark realisation — I was misled, perhaps unwittingly, but deceived nonetheless, or, as the current term suggests, "scammed."

Not only have the values of these policies depreciated to insignificance, but the process of cashing them in has become an agonizing ordeal. It's as if these customer service agents, some of whom weren't even born when I acquired these policies, have been programmed to excel in a different kind of deception, following scripts much like those at call centres.

For a year now, I've been attempting to close one of the policies I took out for my daughter, acknowledging the futility of paying hefty premiums for meagre returns. Alas, I've been subjected to a perpetual cycle of evasive manoeuvres, inundated with stacks of futile forms. Some queries seem frivolous, irrelevant, and frankly, absurd. Each time you think you've met their demands and return the paperwork, they inform you that another form awaits completion and notarization. The situation is exacerbated when the beneficiary resides outside Jamaica.

Then there's the issue of health insurance. Mailing your payment won't suffice; you must ensure it finds its way into the system. When you verify, you discover your cheque has been tucked away into an abyss of paperwork, rather than deposited in the bank. It makes you wonder if the intention is to let your policy lapse under the pretext of tardiness or non-payment of quarterly premiums. A friend with a severe critical illness was cast aside when her condition rendered her a financial risk. She has been unable to reinstate her health insurance or secure an alternative within Jamaica.

Gallagher/CCRP/Sagicor introduced these health schemes, but the rumblings suggest they may not be sustainable, given the billions they've had to pay out in claims. Be vigilant; brace for more potential premium hikes or, worse yet, the schemes' abandonment if they cease to be profitable.

It's been a fortnight of relentless calls and inquiries regarding the delay in processing my payment. Yesterday, a representative had the audacity to insinuate I submitted my payment late. Fortunately, I have a penchant for confirming drop-off dates with live individuals, courtesy of WhatsApp – a handy tool for tracking conversations.

For seniors, life insurance is no exception. You must vigilantly monitor your investments, as they might employ ingenious tactics to remove you from the system or convince you that you've lapsed on payments, rendering your policy irretrievable without further hoops to jump through. The reality is that there's scant time or consideration for seniors and the elderly, though they'll inundate you with fundraising campaigns, enticing retired individuals they've categorized as "able to afford it.

Take heed – you've been forewarned.


The contributor, Lois Grant has dedicated her entire career to the field of communication. She began at Jamaica Broadcasting Corporation as a news editor and later co-founded Innercity Promotions. In 1990, she launched her own production and communication company, Corporate Image Productions. Her notable achievement includes spearheading the Caribbean's acclaimed Tastee Talent contest. Grant's role as Director of Communications in the Office of the Prime Minister further solidified her impact. as a communicator. Her commitment to education is evident through scholarships initiated under Corporate Image, benefiting Jamaica's top-performing artists, media professionals, educators, and esteemed individuals across various fields. She is the production representative for the prominent US network, NBC Sports. 


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1 comment:

Flo said...

Everything would be better if the companies would treat customers better. I have been trying to get 2 of these insurance companies to pay out on life insurance over 3 years with no success

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