Friday, 3 January 2025

Breaking News - PM Will Resign!

Dr Keith Royley, PM of Trinidad

The Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago has announced that he will resign as Prime Minister.

Click the picture below to listen to Dr. Royley's statement:



  1. Dr. Royley's has been in politics for over 45 years. He is now ready to step 🪜 down from his time in the house of Parliament. He was indeed an outstanding leader for Trinidad and Tobago. He has lead his country well. I pray and hope that God will raise up a good successor. To take the country to New heights and hope for their young generation.

  2. Yes they buy out many of our things for example the glass/bottle factory on Asheniem Road scrapped it and left us to consume the carcinogen Bisphenol A(BPA) in plastic bottles.

    When will the Jamaican government ban the use of BPA in containers for food consumption.
    Studies have been Done by reputable Universities linking Breast and Prostate cancers to BPA exposure.

    Jamaica has the highest rate Per capita prostate cancer in the world 304/100,000.
    Breast cancer rates in Jamaica are also considered high.

    In Europe it's banned outright ,in the USA its is banned for containers designed for babies.


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