Monday 9 October 2023

Motorist Pay Dearly for Poor Leadership in Harbour View

I have been talking about the state of the road at the Habour View Roundabout for over a week now. I have been in contact with the Water Commission about the work taking place there. Performer Roy Rayon has been sending messages to me which I post and read on air. 

This afternoon my last advice to my listeners was to be careful on our roads and look out for those sinkholes. We know that each time we dig up the road, we pour marl in the dug-out areas and leave it there. During the rainy season, the water washes away the marl. I said it on air this afternoon and this is what happens as shown in the video below.

This road should have been blocked off especially with the rains coming down. We know that this would happen. Who cares?

My last word to my listeners this evening was to be careful on our roads


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