Thursday 12 October 2023

MP Robert Miller Calls on Banks to Improve ATM Service Delivery to Portmore Residents



Press Release from Robert Miller MP

Member of Parliament for South East St. Catherine, the JLP's Robert "Big Rob" Miller is highlighting the growing frustration and inconvenience being endured by his constituents as they seek to transact business at Automated Teller Machines (ATMs) across Portmore. Mr. Miller is calling on the banks that operate across Portmore to improve their ATM service delivery and alleviate the suffering and inconvenience being experienced by the citizens of South East St. Catherine, and Portmore in general. 

 Mr Miller says: "As a sober and practical representative of the people, I embrace my obligation to sensitize and orient my constituents to the world of today and the future, and in so doing, indicate that the banks' reform of their in-branch operations in a bid to cut or contain costs and maximize profits, is neither incomprehensible or difficult to fathom. In a free and competitive market economy, it is not surprising that banks would move toward promoting digital and other out-of-branch transactions, so I am not chastising the banks for the reform of their operations. What I am unequivocal about however, is my advocacy for the provision and maintenance of an appropriate and reliable level of service". 

 He continued: "In a context where the banks have been ramping up their promotion or online and other out-of-branch transactions, for e.g. increased use of ATMs, it cannot be that the very ATM machines that customers are being directed to utilize, are often either unable to dispense cash or are out of service altogether".  

The South East St. Catherine MP argued: "Many bank branches now operate what is referred to as non-cash banking halls, so they do not accept cash deposits nor do they issue cash at the teller stations to persons who may be seeking to make withdrawals from their accounts. With this being the case, it is extremely unfortunate that the ATMs across Portmore are often out of commission, and as such, customers of the banks are unable to readily make deposits to their accounts or withdrawals; thereby adding to the inconvenience and frustration they endure when seeking to access these basic banking services". 

Mr. Miller declares: "I am of the view that the well-thinking citizens of South East St. Catherine recognize and understand that the criminal attacks in recent months on cash-in-transit operations, especially those undertaken by Beryllium, have contributed in some way to scheduling delays in terms of the banks' replenishing and servicing of ATMs. However, given the banks' reform of their operations, which sees in-branch cash transactions no longer being facilitated at many bank branches, and whereas inoperable ATMs have particular implications for customers seeking to make deposits or withdrawals at ATMs, the banks simply have to do more in engaging and collaborating with their cash courier partners as a means of ensuring that fit-for-purpose armoured vehicles are utilized and the fleets of the cash courier companies expanded, so that the replenishing and servicing of the ATMs can be more timely, and as a result, bring an end to the undue inconvenience experienced by my constituents in South East St. Catherine, and the public in general". 

He went on to highlight: "In circumstances where my constituents have had to commute or drive all over Portmore to access a working and cash dispensing ATM, and in instances where there are but a few ATMs that are working at any given time, the lengthy wait times in long ATM lines, especially at peak hours in any given day, is a tremendous disservice to my constituents, particularly the elderly. The lengthy wait time at ATMs also result in a considerable loss of productive time to those who have work obligations to attend to and does not auger well for the efficacy of the workforce in my constituency". 



Anonymous said...

Why can't the security team out smart the criminal under world by doing what is right, and why dont banks do what they have to do inside to make sure no leak reach outside. To be honest some level of serious explanation is needed from our leaders. Can you imagine they come and take one and have the nerves to second and third. Honestly; I have seen so lowlife behavior from our leaders. It begs the question. Who is really in charge. The Army has the power a morning if the Prime Minister is serious to find all guns in Jamaica. Then those who them catch with the guns illegally send them to plant up land and give unto the needy not the greedy. Maybe when it reaches to their family , then they will really put down their food.

Anonymous said...

But are the government any different from the gunmen and robbers, they are the same ones that give out many of those guns, and ah who thief like dem, also their lifestyles are so sickening, who ah nuh homosexual ah dip and dabble, but yu know who mi blame ,we the citizens of this precious Land, we owe it to ourselves to stand up for our rights.

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