Wednesday 11 October 2023

News Flash

 Just got word from my On The Ground Reporter that two persons have been shot in Huntley, Manchester - one has died. Not yet confirmed by the police.



Anonymous said...

Here we go again some thing needs to be done about to his Munster called crime🐮

Anonymous said...

Good morning. What is really going on can somebody tell me every morning you wake up somebody got shot and dead

Anonymous said...

I have said already and I will say it again. If the Prime Minister is willing to put down his foot and make a statement that he is going to take serious zero tolerance approach. These young men's will continue to run rings around them. Just take a look at Justice system. They say one thing and then they will go and do something entirely different. Do expect these criminal to take them serious. Corruption is our number one destabilization in our country. It is disgrace when leaders can put million's in their bank accounts and give the hard working citizens a little pay check to feed their families and expect our people to be happy with their level of behavior. It really begs the question, who is really the culprit 🤔?

Anonymous said...

L MA Finding a solution for crime in Jamaica is certainly not an easy task, but l think we could start with the children in our schools by teaching them values and attitudes along with conflict resolution. Children can be easily influenced and at least we could change the next generation. School administrators còuld teach these values through debates, drama, poetry and song
.include some of the attitude and value questions in activities such as the School Challenge Quiz?in order to re inforce the message .Have teams from different schools compete through debates or drama to bring out the best solution to a particular conflict. Our children are brilliant. It is time to teach them how to live with each other in this global village called the world.

Anonymous said...

I support the idea of preparing the children in a structured manner that is consistent with their responsibilities as citizens.

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