Tuesday 24 October 2023

No Where To Pee?


We need some peepots for taxi drivers and other citizens which they can carry in their vehicles. There would be no need to drive or walk around and pee peeing everywhere. Taxi drivers should travel with water in their car trunks along with soap and a towel. Can you imagine a taxi driver stepping out of the car, doing his thing and then extending his hand of greeting to the next passenger who enters the car.

The Municipalities across the nation could design specially mounted PeePots for the urban areas. Rather than the smell of urine all over the place, we could make use of it. Have a look at the information which I got online:

Fertilizer: Urine contains nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, which are essential nutrients for plant growth. Diluted urine can be used as a natural fertilizer for gardens and crops. This practice is known as "urine diversion" or "ecological sanitation."

We have been wasting good fertilizer over the years and instead, we end up developing a smelly country.


Death Announcements

Leslie Evelyn from Kingston, Terrence Lyn from Clarendon and Owen Williams from Christiana have passed on. To their families and friends, be strong.

Leslie Evelyn

Terrence Lyn




Anonymous said...

Very good observation and recommendation. However, I have always noticed some degree of pee gender discrepancy. Why is it aways men who exhibit such urgency or that how it seems?
Is is that us men are more prone to pee urgency or is it that we are not as discipline as our ladies and girls? Females are seem to have the ability to delay their urges.

Anonymous said...

Soap and water good suggestion. We the passengers however will not have a problem as most of the taxi drivers do not have manners so they do not shake our hands. By the way the soap and water should also be used for their mouths, clothes and vehicle. A little pride goes a long way

Anonymous said...

Very good idea🤡

Anonymous said...

Men drink more than women especially beer, boom and other mix-up mix-up juices that is sold by men to strengthen back/front and so on and so forth. This is why they pee so often. Although pee is a good form of fertilizer...it does not fertilize concrete or asphalt. Shaking of hands is not the threat, but it's the sharing of money from one to the other.

Anonymous said...

Same so.

Anonymous said...

Peeing is the lesser of the two. More specifically a solution for number 2.

Anonymous said...

Does the "taxi-man" interpret themself as working for a food or as delivering a service? I think eat a food. What do you think?

If delivering a service then one would expect courtesy and cleanliness as the minimum.

Anonymous said...

Even when they have places to peep the MEN still see it fit to peep anywhere they please. Downtown, Halfwaytree for example even in close proximity to the restrooms the men s peep on the roadside. They are just nasty

Anonymous said...

I do agree that men take more beers, for example, which it's said send you out more regularly BUT women who are more health conscious, consume litres of water. You will see them hugging up their 2 - litre water bottle.

Anonymous said...

You are so correct on that one. That is exactly why we need to wash or sanitize our hands as quickly as possible before it spread into family problems. S wepot on!

Anonymous said...

Spot on!

Anonymous said...

To honest, let us look at the crime problem now. So crime is going down. Yet man and woman a dead every day. How Comes? Something is radically wrong with government crime plans and stopping these evil beast from killing off so many innocent people loosing their lives all because of hoodlums who does not want to work or thing it is o.k to just rob whomever they choose. The Prime Minister needs to send a strong message to evil beast. You kill innocent bystanders. You hang him or them same time or put them in electric chair and let everyone see this exactly what you will face. Am really wondering who really run this country 🤔. You see if the Prime Minister will not put down him foot. You just wait until God put down His hand. A hope him back brawd enough.

Anonymous said...

O. K I went help out a friend of father's to pick up medication at pharmacy. This gentleman was also picking some medication too. However; he got up and to a corner at the side of the pharmacy and pee and came back sit down like nothing happened. I had to point him to the sanitizer bottle at window and thank God him never cuss me out. Him just went and use it. Then when I looked at the two bathrooms doors, they were both out of use. Now when something like that happens. What do we do🤷. Government needs to give a private contractor the job to start building some sub-bathrooms stations across the country. Ease off the Highway them now Mr. Prime Minister. Crime and Pee a sting up the place. Too much guns in the communities, and before them send in the special unit to clean out the guns out of communities. Unu talking about human rights. You hear human rights saying anything when the gunmen dem a blowout people lives? So if JLP should lose tomorrow morning and The other party won and them removed the soldiers from the communities. A world war 3 a go start? Because most of high power Weapons are still laying down watching and waiting for the opportunity to rise them up. So we sitting on another time Bomb. What is the answer Mr. Prime Minister?

Anonymous said...

What about hand sanitizer.

Anonymous said...

Always wonder the same thing.

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