Friday 13 October 2023

Persons indicted for Kidnapping and Murdering Daughter of Former Minister of Government and her Mother






Paula Llewellyn - DPP

Leoda Bradshaw, a resident of the United States of America, came to the island of Jamaica on the 6th day of September 2023. She was in a relationship and had a child with Mr. Phillip Paulwell, Member of Parliament, who she considered to be her spouse.

On the said day, the Crown alleges that she communicated with men, including her cousin Roland Balfour, one Richard Brown and Roshane Miller. During these conversations up to the 9th of September, 2023, there was an agreement made under the direction of Leoda Bradshaw for these men to kidnap and kill Toshyna Patterson and her ten-month-old daughter, Sarayah Paulwell who was the product of a relationship that Ms. Patterson had had with Mr. Phillip Paulwell. This plan also contained part payment (which had been made) of a certain amount of money by Leoda Bradshaw to the men for the successful execution of the plan.

On Saturday, 9th of September, 2023, the Crown alleges that Ms. Toshyna Patterson and her 10-month-old daughter were taken from her home at Gilmore Drive in Kingston by Leoda Bradshaw in a tinted SUV motor vehicle. She subsequently delivered them to men, including two of her co-conspirators in St. Andrew.

The Crown further alleges that Ms. Patterson and her daughter were forcibly taken to an area in East Kingston and murdered by these said men who were armed with a firearm.


The charges on the Voluntary Bill of Indictment which are being proffered by the Office of the Director of Public Prosecution in the Home Circuit Court are as follows:

1.     Leoda Bradshaw indicted for:

·       Conspiracy to Kidnap Toshyna Patterson on diverse dates between the 6th and 9th day of September 2023

·       Conspiracy to Kidnap Sarayah Paulwell on diverse dates between the 6th and 9th day of September 2023

·       Conspiracy to Murder Toshyna Patterson on diverse dates between the 6th and 9th day of September 2023

·       Conspiracy to Murder Sarayah Paulwell on diverse dates between the 6th and 9th day of September 2023

·       Kidnapping of Toshyna Patterson on the 9th day of September 2023

·       Kidnapping of Sarayah Paulwell on the 9th day of September 2023

·       Capital Murder of Toshyna Patterson on the 9th day of September 2023

·       Capital Murder concerning Sarayah Paulwell on the 9th day of September 2023




2.     Richard Brown indicted for:

·       Conspiracy to Kidnap Toshyna Patterson on diverse dates between the 6th and 9th day of September 2023

·       Conspiracy to Kidnap Sarayah Paulwell on diverse dates between the 6th and 9th day of September 2023

·       Conspiracy to Murder Toshyna Patterson on diverse dates between the 6th and 9th day of September 2023

·       Conspiracy to Murder Sarayah Paulwell on diverse dates between the 6th and 9th day of September 2023

·       Kidnapping of Toshyna Patterson on the 9th day of September 2023

·       Kidnapping of Sarayah Paulwell on the 9th day of September 2023

·       Murder of Toshyna Patterson on the 9th day of September 2023

·       Murder of Sarayah Paulwell on the 9th day of September 2023


3.     Roshane Miller indicted for:

·       Accessory Before the Fact to Kidnapping of Toshyna Patterson on diverse dates between the 6th and 9th day of September 2023

·       Accessory Before the Fact to Kidnapping of Sarayah Paulwell on diverse dates between the 6th and 9th day of September 2023

·       Accessory Before the Fact to Murder of Toshyna Patterson on diverse dates between the 6th and 9th day of September 2023

·       Accessory Before the Fact to Murder of Sarayah Paulwell on diverse dates between the 6th and 9th day of September 2023


4.     Roland Balfour indicted for:

·       Accessory Before the Fact to Kidnapping of Toshyna Patterson on diverse dates between the 6th and 9th day of September 2023

·       Accessory Before the Fact to Kidnapping of Sarayah Paulwell on diverse dates between the 6th and 9th day of September 2023

·       Accessory Before the Fact to Murder of Toshyna Patterson on diverse dates between the 6th and 9th day of September 2023

·       Accessory Before the Fact to Murder of Sarayah Paulwell on diverse dates between the 6th and 9th day of September 2023


The Capital Murder counts regarding Leoda Bradshaw are based on the allegations of a contract for hire arrangement where Leoda Bradshaw is alleged to have paid persons a sum of money to kidnap and murder Toshyna Patterson and Sarayah Paulwell contrary to section (2)(1)(e)(i) of the Offences Against the Person Act.


Voluntary Bills of Indictment were proffered before the Home Circuit Court earlier this week in respect of Richard Brown and Roshane Miller who are scheduled to return the Home Circuit Court later this month when their matters will be mentioned.

Leoda Bradshaw and Roland Balfour appeared in the Home Circuit Court today by way of a Voluntary Bill of Indictment and are scheduled to return to the Home Circuit Court on December 1st 2023 when their matters will be mentioned.


Paula V. Llewellyn, K.C

Director of Public Prosecutions

Editor's Note:

Click HERE and read this blog that I posted on October 8, and you will realize that I was on to something. Those who felt that I got wrong information must think again. Interesting days and months are ahead. Wait for the movie!


Anonymous said...

See there now she paid fare from America come pay men to kill the lady and her baby for penis and now she gone a jail leave the penis old time people say wa sweet you a go sour you see da now a somebody else a go have the penis

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hope they will pay for what they deserve👹

Anonymous said...

Now come to think of this! For such a Barberic act. I really need to know if the government is really going to let go and enjoy hotel life in a prison? When is our government is going really put down his foot. A no only High way alone fi look good. We need our justice system to start do what is right. Word of God! Genesis: 9-6. Let me give them Bible. That was why God gave Moses & Aaron law's to governor the people of Land. Hear the word of the Lord. Whoso ( whosoever) Sheddeth Man's blood, by man shall his blood be shed: for in the image of God made He man. If our leaders does not follow the word of God and do what is right. Do you really expect the criminal's to fair God. Honestly; it begs the question where did we really get our law's from? I wonder if a when the 🐄 Cow jump over the moon. Now I see why most people do not want to come by home to Jamaica. By the way a hope them watch how Israel Prime Minister a take care of business.

Anonymous said...

This is very sad over a Man U don’t even own

Anonymous said...

All the guilty parties must be punished....barring none!

Micspen said...

I have not heard anything about the DNA as the lady and child are still officially missing.I am not clear or convinced by the hype.Would you be surprised that the DNA is inconclusive and everybody walk.The lady is an attorney and alleged spouse is also aware of the aforesaid.Dont be surprised if they walk,talk to me.

Anonymous said...

Wicked, Wicked,the Devil herself, Hang Her!!!

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