Monday 16 October 2023

The Killings Continue in Jamaica - Israel VS Gaza Style - Time For Action!

Andrew Holness ON, PC
Prime Minister

Daily, the killings continue. One would believe Jamaica is divided into two territories - Israel versus Gaza. The constant refrain from the police is "Tell us what you know", "Crime is going down", and "It is gang-related". My On The Ground Reporter advised me of another three killed in Dunkirk and one injured.

We are tired of the reasons for these murders. We demand action now! I have given many suggestions, and I will give this one again.

Have a Terrorist Act to target gang members. This Act would let the gangs face a State of Emergency while the rest of us continue to live freely. Identify all gang members in Jamaica, and under a Terrorist Act, gang members would be classified as terrorists under a court order. To be classified as a terrorist, there must be reports against them, and/or the police identify them as persons of interest based on their investigations. Based on an order from the court, failure to report to the police means that they could be confirmed as terrorists. The police and citizens should then bring them dead or alive!

Anyone convicted of being a member of a gang/terrorist organization should be given a life sentence at hard labour. Their biometric information should be taken and recorded digitally. Cases for murders should be given first preference for trials, and capital punishment should be applied to anyone who commits a premeditated murder. The same should apply if one commits a murder in the pursuit of any criminal act.

The crime problem must be given priority now. Constitutional reform and some other state activities should be put on hold. Additional judges, prosecutors and other resources must be shifted to fighting crime. The aim should be to bring down murders to 100 by next year, December. It can be done - it should be done. We just need to have the right leaders in the right places committed to this.


Note: We can change or suspend the constitution to act. The right to life is the most important right we have. We have lost that!


It's Just a Click



Anonymous said...

The People who were elected to protect Jamaicans from crime and terrorism are Lazy Cowards.They are all about themselves and what they can get while in power.
They repeat the same failed plans over and over with no creativity ,no new approach.
We need to replace the lot of Leaders then put them on Trial and hold them accountable for Crimes against Jamaicans , aiding and abetting Terrorism against Civilians.
Additionally they should all be charged with Bribery and taking Kickbacks then severely punished.

Anonymous said...

More needs to be done we need all hands on deckπŸ˜€

Rosina Christina Moder said...

I agree with you, but not the capital punishment..... Thou shall not kill goes also for the Government!!! Also the biggest killers have often the best lawyers....

Anonymous said...

Why the hesitation to tackle crime though? They know what to do but are not resolved to do what needs to be done. The issue of crime management perhaps should be an issue the citizenry needs to take up in arms. Of course, they haven't yet had enough. As it would be heard in their loud vocal expressions demanding measures be immediately taken to arrest the crime monster. Why this tarrying? Waiting to see what the legislators and leaders will do? Sometimes outside pressure is more effective than inside influence.

Micspen said...

*Mass self policing the way to go*

A crime is any behaviour that attracts a fine or imprisonment.
Let's face it, most Jamaicans are therefore criminals .12,000 JCF members 6000 JDF personnel plus 30,000 Security Guards,6000 +lawyers,11 prisons with a total capacity of appr 4200.
Present prisoner numbers appr 3500.
Of that Tower Street and Spanish Town alone have 3000 would be overwhelmed by the numbers of those who should be imprisoned.
Each Jamaican must police themselves.
Some among them are criminals themselves.
Need another prison to take up more prisoners.
Leaders must therefore make this Presentation to the country and urge each and everyone to police themselves,family and friends.
How about having 2.8 million citizens policing themselves crime would be down on the first-day not a year.
Are we ready to significantly curtail the growth of a vibrant,lucrative and fast growing Crime Industry??
Then there is the illigitimate sector of the industry made up of said citizens growing leaps and bounds.
Combining both crime sectors is at least 10% of GDP
Nothing tried nothing done,same old ,same old has not worked and will not work.
Go for national participation starting with the I in us.
Mass consciousness and participation is the way to go.
An anti Crime mask movement is the way to go.

mics πŸ–Š pen

Micspen said...

*Mass self policing the way to go*

A crime is any behaviour that attracts a fine or imprisonment.
Let's face it, most Jamaicans are therefore criminals .12,000 JCF members 6000 JDF personnel plus 30,000 Security Guards,6000 +lawyers,11 prisons with a total capacity of appr 4200.
Present prisoner numbers appr 3500.
Of that Tower Street and Spanish Town alone have 3000 would be overwhelmed by the numbers of those who should be imprisoned.
Each Jamaican must police themselves.
Some among them are criminals themselves.
Need another prison to take up more prisoners.
Leaders must therefore make this Presentation to the country and urge each and everyone to police themselves,family and friends.
How about having 2.8 million citizens policing themselves crime would be down on the first-day not a year.
Are we ready to significantly curtail the growth of a vibrant,lucrative and fast growing Crime Industry??
Then there is the illigitimate sector of the industry made up of said citizens growing leaps and bounds.
Combining both crime sectors is at least 10% of GDP
Nothing tried nothing done,same old ,same old has not worked and will not work.
Go for national participation starting with the I in us.
Mass consciousness and participation is the way to go.
An anti Crime mass movement is the way to go.

mics πŸ–Š pen

Anonymous said...

The day Jamaicans ALL say no to crime it will stop...why you dont have these killings in some areas? You have some who benefit from they enable and encourage. Until we all say NO and shub out criminals the grandest plans and work of law enforcement will fail.

Anonymous said...

I have seen where you have made many suggestions to the Government on initiatives they could take to help reduce the crime rate example the introduction of national Identification, and the so called leaders continue to ignore, the criminals are aware that the leaders have no real plans how to to put the Genie back in the bottle so they will continue to destroy beautiful Jamaica while the Government sit back and watch the destruction it’s a shame that the plans of the criminals are more effective that that of the Government. V, you are appreciated for the part you play in highlighting these problems and for sharing your ideas which we only hope the leaders will pay attention and try to implement . You are doing an awesome job in your capacity but frankly you would be a great asset in the Government ,Every law abiding citizen would and will do whatever needs to be done to take back Jamaica from the criminals but the leaders are incapable of empowering the people because they have no plans and the criminals know it and that is a shame

Anonymous said...

Honestly; you are on to something, because sometimes when you hear some little sentenced being given to criminals. You have to wonder, if our law markers are on crack and cocaine. Why our leaders them lack backbone so? Then them put in a nice show for Media. Like them take everyone for idiots. A hope them remember that is not sleeping?

Anonymous said...

You are spot on. I totally agree with you. Let me go write my piece.

Anonymous said...

You are on something you know. I pray and hope that they will take the time out and start to try some of our ideas. Even thou them na go feel too good, because me & you never go a big College like a dem.

Anonymous said...

Them na want some in their because we are going to do what is right and remember that them love power and popularity over protection and preserving lives.

Anonymous said...

To our most honourable Prime Minister. Sir Andrew Holness. Am asking you Sir to take the time out and go back and read the word of God. Especially the book of Leviticus 19 & 20 and hear what God said unto Moses & Aaron to tell the people of Israel to obey the word's of the Lord's. Am still trying to find out why we are so backwards instead of progressing forward. We have so much young people getting rich and famous every minute in Jamaica and hard working Jamaicans are struggling every day. In our working industries. The little people at the bottom of the work force knows the work and when the person's who comes in from university. The same person at the bottom has to teach those person who comes in every thing and if you are not careful the same person turn around and πŸ”₯ you. Why does a murderer who does it for a living have these Big Lawyers to pick choose and refused? Yet the little person hardly have any one to really stand on their behavior. Is this really how God had asked you to govern His land? Honestly; Mr. P M, it wrong to suggest that you want to give our people the right to choose religions. Let me tell you straight and plain Sir. Some of these people that are practicing evil right before our very eyes and it is o.k the Blood of our Sisters and Brothers are crying 😭 out from the ground because they are being used as sacrifice's for others to get rich and switch then turn around killed Whom soever they say dis them. These types of evil so call religious practices must be stop in the mighty name of Yesuwah. If you will not take action now, then God will have to step in with a Earthquake, Famine or Flood. The gun's are already here. They are being used instead of swords. Those are fore (4) destruction God normally uses to get His message across when a nation will not listen. However; he always warns before He destroy. Remember now your last name is Holness. Corruption is loud and very scary. Please ask your leaders to start do what is right inside & outside.Have a wonderful day Mr. PM.

Anonymous said...

Crime and violence in Jamaica will never control, until everyone come on board with suggestive strategies.The government and the police high command must take each citizen opinion as a tool of solving crime no matter how simple it may appear, some aspect can be considered.I say this over and over again intelligence gathering is the key to this problem in our country.Sitting on the computer drafting boundaries as troubled spot cannot work, lot of field work needs to be done.There are no set pattern of crimes which are committed in the country, the security forces have to widen their intelligence capabilities these crimes especially murder stem from (gangs, extortion, scammers, dead left properties, etc) the law makers needs to be proactive.

Anonymous said...

Go back and read Genesis 9:6 and then you can come back and write another piece. If you do not want someone to kil you? Please do not kill anyone.

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