Tuesday, 21 November 2023

A Large Area of Denuded Hillside in Portland?

I saw a large area of denuded hillsides south of Fruitful Vale in Portland.  

The perimeter of this area is approximately 831 m. The approximate area of the denuded hillside is 30,300 m sq. What is happening in the hills of Portland? This location is 18° 06' N and 76° 33' West.

I will ask my friends in geology or related fields to provide me with more information.

Google Map Picture of the area

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Editor's Note:
Professor Simon Mitchell at the University of The West Indies says this is a series of large landslide scars. 

Professor Mitchell says these slides are natural and reflect the evolution of these slopes and hills.




  1. Wow looks bad🤡

  2. Looks like natural formation to me, but then again what do I know


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