Thursday 30 November 2023

Traffic Congestion in Kingston is a Nightmare in the Mornings and Afternoons!

I rushed from work this afternoon to see if I could be on my way home before the expected traffic congestion. Leaving early did not help at all. I reminded myself that it was just a few years ago that a few roads were widened in Kingston.

The drivers were awful on the road. They switched from lane to lane without turning on their indicators. Being courteous is now outdated. With my indicator on, I tooted my horn a few times because I wanted to change lanes. My tooting and the begging look on my face were to no avail. One driver eventually obliged. I said thanks. I yelled at him, "Are you a Jamaican?" He had a good laugh.

It takes gas, patience and nerves of steel to traverse the Trafalgar Road in the afternoons. One afternoon, I got out of the car and acted as police to clear the traffic at the intersection of Trafalgar Road and Knutsford Boulevard. I was lucky that I was not charged with impersonating the police.

My patience was running out this afternoon until I saw a miniature-looking man who looked like he was two feet tall. He had a physical challenge, hobbling on his crutches down Trafalgar Road, moving faster than the cars. 

Many of us had the ambition to buy a car to move around the city quickly. That was not one of the wisest decisions that I made. The only thing that is fast is how fast the cost of gas gobbles up my funds each day. The time I spend each day on the road is sometimes more than the hours I spend at the office.

Our country definitely needs a comprehensive transportation system. This chaka chaka transportation system is falling apart.

This man was moving faster than the cars in the traffic!

Which lane are you in?

Flashing lights the new style


Anonymous said...

COMPLTE DISORDER. Minibus, Taxii and Bikers all with with colourful, flashing hazard and bright lights day and night. Excessively loud unregistered and unlinsured bikes with drivers (riders) without protective gear rubbing shoulders with the hopeless Traffic police. AND we are intending to add more than 100 large JUTC buses, more minibuses and everyone aiming to buy their own deportee. YU NUH SI CHAOS YET!!!

Anonymous said...

The thing us, because our public transportation system is so poorly managed, people feel that if they should buy a car that would solve their problem. It doesn't as it just adds to the traffic nightmare. So the solution is, sort out the public transportation once and for all. (We can only dream)

Anonymous said...

What's new at this time of year? People buying vehicles for their own convenience and it is the silly season too so don't traverse at a certain time because it's not going to be pretty.

Anonymous said...

It is so crazy on the road😃

Anonymous said...

I live at the foot of Stony Hil but not quite into Manor Park. If I don’t leave home by 6:35 am the latest, then we will not get to LIGUANEA before 8am. Additional (new and preowned ) imported Cars are entering the traffic system every day, but there are no additional road options. It can only get worse.

Anonymous said...

I shiver to go on the road when I must. Trying between 10 and 12 hardly makes a difference these days. And the crazy season is upon us!

Anonymous said...

That ill-mannered little in New Kingston.

Anonymous said...

Well to be honest; whenever comes on these times of season's you have to be on the alert, because all types of hell seems to break loose. Make sure you know exactly where you are going and if you can walk in two and three because the enemy all ways looking for innocent victims. So be on your Guard at all times. This not an easy road to travel at all.

Anonymous said...

Prediction - fixing the traffic problem and bringing order on the road are the primary activities to control crime.

Sounds strange? Think about it.

Anonymous said...

Indeed. If we can bring order to public places it would positively percolate through our othe behaviours. There is direct correlation.

Anonymous said...

It is a dam shame with the indiscipline on the roads. You very rarely see any traffic police on the roads. What is the purpose of the Commissiomer of Police?

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